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Critical Race Theory and Inequality in the Labour Market: Racial Stratification in Ireland
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-16 , DOI: 10.1177/2332649220975578
Maria Hudson 1

Critical Race Theory and Inequality in the Labour Market: Racial Stratification in Ireland is a timely exploration of racial stratification and how it shapes starting positions and generates differential outcomes in the labor market. From the outset, Joseph makes it clear that we should not be interested in race per se, but rather in how race is used and the consequences that this has. She is appealing for social change and posits the importance of Critical Race Theory (CRT), in particular, in achieving it. An authoritative overview of the tenets of CRT is provided, outlining the relevance of “counterstorytelling” (individuals relating their experiences as members of marginalized groups), the permanence of race, interest convergence, and intersectionality. Joseph keeps the discussion real, for example, in engaging with the under-reporting of racism to consider the uniqueness of using CRT as an analytical tool for understanding the contexts in which racism arises. In the opening chapters, she begins to build a rich outcomes-focused narrative urging wider adoption of a CRT of the labor market that enables researchers, policy makers and educators to focus on how we respond to difference to foster racial equality and socio-economic justice.


