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Precarity in Exile: The Legal Status of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
Refugee Survey Quarterly ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-29 , DOI: 10.1093/rsq/hdw016
Maja Janmyr

Lebanon has had an ambiguous approach to the more than one million Syrians seeking protection in the country since 2011. The country is neither party to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, nor does it have any national legislation dealing with refugees. In October 2014, Lebanon’s Council of Ministers adopted the first comprehensive policy on Syrian displacement, one explicit goal of which is to decrease the number of Syrians in Lebanon by reducing access to territory and encouraging return to Syria. This ambition is currently being implemented through the December 2014 General Security Office new set of entry requirements for Syrians and new rules for Syrian nationals already in Lebanon applying for and renewing their residency permits. Building on 10 months of fieldwork in Lebanon, this article explores the legal status of Syrian refugees in Lebanon in light of the recent regulatory changes. It argues that these leave many refugees in a deeply precarious legal position, with an overwhelming majority of Syrian refugees present in Lebanon without legal status. In essence, this article argues that Syrians in Lebanon are left with two options: they either leave the country or stay and accept exploitation. K E Y W O R D S : Syrian refugees, Lebanon, non-refoulement, asylum, UNHCR 1 . I N T R O D U C T I O N The commencement of the Syrian conflict in 2011 brought about substantial refugee flows into Syria’s neighbouring countries, i.e. Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq. One of the heaviest burdens is borne by Lebanon, currently hosting more than one million registered refugees, in addition to between 300,000 and 500,000 unregistered * Maja Janmyr is a post-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; Email: maja.janmyr@jur.uib.no. This research was supported by the Research Council of Norway, project number 240441/F10. I would like to thank Nour Shamseldin for assistance during the research process of this article. I would also like to show my gratitude to the Issam Fares Institute (IFI) of the American University of Beirut, for warmly hosting me during the course of research. A previous version of this article is available as an IFI Working Paper: M. Janmyr, The Legal Status of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Beirut, IFI, 2016, available at: https:// www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/publications/Documents/working_papers/20160331_Maja_Janmyr.pdf (last visited 1



自 2011 年以来,黎巴嫩对超过 100 万在该国寻求保护的叙利亚人采取了模棱两可的态度。该国既不是 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》的缔约国,也没有任何关于难民的国家立法。2014 年 10 月,黎巴嫩部长理事会通过了第一个关于叙利亚流离失所问题的综合政策,其中一个明确的目标是通过减少进入叙利亚领土和鼓励返回叙利亚来减少在黎巴嫩的叙利亚人数量。这一雄心目前正在通过 2014 年 12 月安全总局针对叙利亚人的新入境要求以及针对已经在黎巴嫩申请和更新居留许可的叙利亚国民的新规则来实施。在黎巴嫩为期 10 个月的实地考察的基础上,本文根据最近的监管变化探讨了在黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民的法律地位。它争辩说,这些使许多难民处于非常不稳定的法律地位,绝大多数叙利亚难民在黎巴嫩没有合法身份。从本质上讲,本文认为黎巴嫩的叙利亚人有两种选择:要么离开该国,要么留下并接受剥削。关键词:叙利亚难民,黎巴嫩,不驱回,庇护,难民署 1。引言 2011 年叙利亚冲突的爆发导致大量难民流入叙利亚的邻国,即黎巴嫩、约旦、土耳其和伊拉克。黎巴嫩承担了最沉重的负担之一,除了 300,000 至 500 名难民外,目前还收容了超过 100 万名登记难民,000 unregistered * Maja Janmyr 是挪威卑尔根卑尔根大学法学院的博士后研究员;电子邮件:maja.janmyr@jur.uib.no。这项研究得到了挪威研究委员会的支持,项目编号为 240441/F10。感谢 Nour Shamseldin 在本文的研究过程中提供的帮助。我还要感谢贝鲁特美国大学 Issam Fares Institute (IFI) 在研究过程中热情接待我。本文的先前版本可作为 IFI 工作论文获得:M. Janmyr,黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民的法律地位,贝鲁特,IFI,2016,可在:https://www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/出版物/文件/working_papers/20160331_Maja_Janmyr.pdf(上次访问 1 卑尔根大学,卑尔根,挪威;电子邮件:maja.janmyr@jur.uib.no。这项研究得到了挪威研究委员会的支持,项目编号为 240441/F10。感谢 Nour Shamseldin 在本文的研究过程中提供的帮助。我还要感谢贝鲁特美国大学 Issam Fares Institute (IFI) 在研究过程中热情接待我。本文的先前版本可作为 IFI 工作论文获得:M. Janmyr,黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民的法律地位,贝鲁特,IFI,2016,可在:https://www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/出版物/文件/working_papers/20160331_Maja_Janmyr.pdf(上次访问 1 卑尔根大学,卑尔根,挪威;电子邮件:maja.janmyr@jur.uib.no。这项研究得到了挪威研究委员会的支持,项目编号为 240441/F10。感谢 Nour Shamseldin 在本文的研究过程中提供的帮助。我还要感谢贝鲁特美国大学 Issam Fares Institute (IFI) 在研究过程中热情接待我。本文的先前版本可作为 IFI 工作论文获得:M. Janmyr,黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民的法律地位,贝鲁特,IFI,2016,可在:https://www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/出版物/文件/working_papers/20160331_Maja_Janmyr.pdf(上次访问 1 感谢 Nour Shamseldin 在本文的研究过程中提供的帮助。我还要感谢贝鲁特美国大学 Issam Fares Institute (IFI) 在研究过程中热情接待我。本文的先前版本可作为 IFI 工作论文获得:M. Janmyr,黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民的法律地位,贝鲁特,IFI,2016,可在:https://www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/出版物/文件/working_papers/20160331_Maja_Janmyr.pdf(上次访问 1 感谢 Nour Shamseldin 在本文的研究过程中提供的帮助。我还要感谢贝鲁特美国大学 Issam Fares Institute (IFI) 在研究过程中热情接待我。本文的先前版本可作为 IFI 工作论文获得:M. Janmyr,黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民的法律地位,贝鲁特,IFI,2016,可在:https://www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/出版物/文件/working_papers/20160331_Maja_Janmyr.pdf(上次访问 1