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The Journey to Dreamland Never Ends: A Refugee’s Journey from Somalia to Sweden
Refugee Survey Quarterly ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-28 , DOI: 10.1093/rsq/hdw007
Ali Hassan , Linn Biörklund

Large numbers of people continue to flee conflict and instability, moving along human smuggling routes, hiding in transit cities, and getting locked up in detention centres in the process of seeking safety and asylum. This is widely known, but the human cost and intricacies of individual journeys is often hidden behind statistics and political discourse. In this article, Ali Hassan from Mogadishu, Somalia shares the story of his twoyear flight from Yemen to Sweden, illustrating the harsh conditions and dangers faced by forced migrants: the lack of food and water, the overcrowding inside vehicles or boats, the exploitation and abuse by smuggling networks, and the hostile reception from security and governmental officials. This detailed life story illustrates both the human impact of restrictive migration policies, and the problems this generates for aid workers, especially since information about the needs of forced migrants at different stages, and how and where they access assistance, is largely inadequate. By exploring how forced migrants negotiate invisibility and vulnerability, this detailed life story is an illustration of the challenges humanitarians face when responding to an unfolding crisis.



在寻求安全和庇护的过程中,大量人继续逃离冲突和不稳定,沿着人口走私路线移动,躲藏在过境城市,并被关在拘留中心。这是众所周知的,但个人旅程的人力成本和复杂性往往隐藏在统计数据和政治话语背后。在这篇文章中,来自索马里摩加迪沙的 Ali Hassan 分享了他从也门飞往瑞典两年的故事,说明了被迫移民面临的恶劣条件和危险:缺乏食物和水、车内或船只过度拥挤、剥削和走私网络的滥用以及安全和政府官员的敌对接待。这个详细的生活故事说明了限制性移民政策对人类的影响,以及这给援助工作者带来的问题,特别是因为关于被迫移民在不同阶段的需求以及他们如何以及在何处获得援助的信息在很大程度上是不够的。通过探索被迫移民如何应对隐形和脆弱性,这个详细的生活故事说明了人道主义者在应对正在发生的危机时所面临的挑战。