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Haitians, the People That Will Not Go Away
Latin American Perspectives ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-29 , DOI: 10.1177/0094582x20933314
François Pierre-Louis

Christ. As Kunzle notes, “it is often said that Jesus’ death was more important than his life; that he began really to live only when he died. The same have been said of Che Guevara” (326). Ultimately, this book provides a comprehensive investigation of the numerous parallels in the lives and myths of Christ and Che as explored through word and image. It is an ambitious undertaking and not without controversy. In his introduction Kunzle acknowledges that to some it is “blasphemous” to compare the atheist Che, “perhaps the most famous armed revolutionary of the 20th century,” with Christ, “the founder of the defining religion of the Western world” (18). Thus this book speaks to a specific niche audience and will not do much to change minds.



基督。正如昆兹勒所说,“人们常说耶稣的死比他的生命更重要;他只有死后才开始真正活着。切格瓦拉也是如此”(326)。最终,本书通过文字和图像对基督和切的生平和神话中的众多相似之处进行了全面调查。这是一项雄心勃勃的事业,并非没有争议。Kunzle 在他的介绍中承认,对一些人来说,将无神论者切(“也许是 20 世纪最著名的武装革命者”)与“西方世界定义性宗教的创始人”(18)进行比较是“亵渎”的。 . 因此,这本书针对的是特定的利基受众,不会改变主意。