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Polarization and Electoral Incentives: The End of the Chilean Consensus Democracy, 1990–2014
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-22 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2018.41
Jorge Fábrega , Jorge González , Jaime Lindh

Consensus democracy among the main Chilean political forces ended abruptly after the 2013 presidential and parliamentary elections, the most polarized elections since the return to democracy in 1990. Relying on spatial voting theory to uncover latent ideological dimensions from survey data between 1990 and 2014, this study finds patterns of gradual polarization starting at least ten years before the collapse of consensus, based on an increasing demobilization of the political center that misaligned politicians from their political platforms (particularly in the center-left parties). That phenomenon changed the political support for the two main political coalitions and the intracoalition bargaining power of their various factions. The pattern also helps to explain the process behind the 2015 reform of the electoral system.



智利主要政治力量之间的共识民主在 2013 年总统和议会选举后突然结束,这是自 1990 年恢复民主以来两极分化最严重的选举。依靠空间投票理论从 1990 年至 2014 年的调查数据中揭示潜在的意识形态维度,本研究发现至少在共识瓦解前十年开始逐渐两极分化的模式,其基础是政治中心日益复员,使政客偏离其政治纲领(尤其是中左翼政党)。这一现象改变了两个主要政治联盟的政治支持和各派系的联盟内部议价能力。该模式还有助于解释 2015 年选举制度改革背后的过程。