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The Impact of Civilians on Defense Policy in New Democracies: The Case of Brazil
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-30 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2019.3
Octavio Amorim Neto

This article argues that growing civilian direction of the defense sector should generate three consequences: greater interoperability of the armed forces, a stronger emphasis on operations outside the national territory (here called externalism), and better defense-diplomacy coordination. An original investigation of the makeup of the drafting committees of three of Brazil’s national security strategy documents since the mid-1990s shows that varying rates of civilian participation in defense policymaking generate an impact on defense policy directives commensurate with theoretical expectations. Defense policy implementation, however, has found varying degrees of success. Using new and systematic quantitative data, this study demonstrates that interoperability has made progress, defense-diplomacy coordination is at an intermediate stage, and externalism, albeit not a failure, is still far from a success. Externalism’s performance is a consequence of rising crime, deficient police forces, the pragmatism of civilian elites, and public support for law-and-order military missions.



本文认为,国防部门日益向文职方向发展应产生三个后果:增强武装部队的互操作性、更加重视国家领土以外的行动(此处称为外部主义)以及更好的国防-外交协调。对自 1990 年代中期以来巴西三份国家安全战略文件的起草委员会组成的原始调查表明,平民参与国防政策制定的不同比率会对国防政策指令产生与理论预期相称的影响。然而,国防政策的实施取得了不同程度的成功。本研究使用新的系统定量数据表明,互操作性取得了进展,国防-外交协调处于中间阶段,外部主义虽然不是失败,但离成功还很遥远。外在主义的表现是犯罪率上升、警察力量不足、平民精英的实用主义以及公众对治安军事任务的支持的结果。