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Between transcendence and necessity: Eric Voegelin, Martin Wight and the crisis of modern international relations
Journal of International Relations and Development ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-07 , DOI: 10.1057/s41268-019-00171-x
Nicholas Rengger

This special issue has, as its central concern, the relevance of at least some aspects of theological discussion for international relations. That is, to say the least, an unusual concern in the modern field though it would once have been much more common. In this paper, I want to focus on the parallel arguments of two thinkers who shared a good deal in their analysis of the problems of modern international relations and who root those arguments in a reading that draws heavily on theological concerns, though they come at these concerns from slightly different perspectives: Eric Voegelin and Martin Wight. I will compare and contrast the readings of the modern crisis that Voegelin and Wight offer and their relevance to the contemporary literature of international relations, and I will suggest that there is an ambiguous aspect to their general position which raises important questions about their diagnosis of the ‘crisis of the modern’. Indeed, their perspectives are still worth revisiting today for dwelling on the kind of difficult questions that contemporary international relations scholars have a hard time even posing.



作为其核心关注点,这个特殊问题至少涉及国际关系神学讨论的某些方面。也就是说,至少可以说,这是现代领域的一个不寻常的问题,尽管它曾经更为普遍。在这篇论文中,我想重点讨论两位思想家的平行论点,他们在分析现代国际关系问题方面有很多共同之处,并且他们在阅读大量涉及神学问题的阅读中扎根这些论点,尽管他们是在这些问题上从略有不同的角度关注的问题:Eric Voegelin 和 Martin Wight。我将比较和对比 Voegelin 和 Wight 提供的现代危机读物及其与当代国际关系文学的相关性,我将建议,他们的一般立场存在一个模棱两可的方面,这对他们对“现代危机”的诊断提出了重要的问题。事实上,他们的观点在今天仍然值得重新审视,因为他们深思当代国际关系学者甚至难以提出的那种棘手问题。