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Overcoming challenges in learning probability vocabulary
Teaching Statistics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-05-26 , DOI: 10.1111/test.12109
Randall E. Groth 1 , Jaime Butler 1 , Delmar Nelson 2

Summary Students can struggle to understand and use terms that describe probabilities. Such struggles lead to difficulties comprehending classroom conversations. In this article, we describe some specific misunderstandings a group of students (ages 11–12) held in regard to vocabulary such as certain, likely and unlikely. We discuss our efforts to help the students use such terms appropriately. In particular, we show how engaging students in a game requiring the use of the terms helped them begin to develop their vocabulary more fully. We also explain how a probability ladder visual organizer helped students begin to organize their thinking about the meanings of terms relative to one another.



总结 学生可能难以理解和使用描述概率的术语。这种挣扎导致理解课堂对话的困难。在本文中,我们描述了一组学生(11-12 岁)在词汇方面的一些具体误解,例如确定、可能和不太可能。我们讨论了我们为帮助学生正确使用这些术语所做的努力。特别是,我们展示了让学生参与需要使用术语的游戏如何帮助他们开始更充分地发展词汇量。我们还解释了概率阶梯视觉组织器如何帮助学生开始组织他们对术语相对含义的思考。