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Open-Mindedness: An Intellectual Virtue in the Pursuit of Knowledge and Understanding
Educational Theory ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-01 , DOI: 10.1111/edth.12201
Rebecca M. Taylor 1

Open-mindedness is widely valued as an important intellectual virtue. Definitional debates about open-mindedness have focused on whether open-minded believers must possess a particular first-order attitude toward their beliefs or a second-order attitude toward themselves as believers, taking it for granted that open-mindedness is motivated by the pursuit of propositional knowledge. In this article, Rebecca Taylor develops an alternative to knowledge-centered accounts of open-mindedness. Drawing on recent work in epistemology that reclaims understanding as a primary epistemic good, Taylor argues for an expanded account of open-mindedness as an intellectual virtue motivated by the pursuit of both knowledge and understanding. Incorporating understanding allows for a more robust account of open-mindedness that better accommodates common usage, avoids common criticisms, and better explains the widespread acceptance of open-mindedness as an important intellectual virtue. Taylor also identifies the connections between open-mindedness and several other intellectual virtues, including intellectual humility, intellectual courage, and intellectual diligence.



开放思想被广泛认为是一种重要的智力美德。关于思想开放的定义性辩论集中在思想开放的信徒是否必须对自己的信仰具有特定的一阶态度或对自己作为信徒的二阶态度,认为思想开放是受追求追求动机的影响。命题知识。在本文中,丽贝卡·泰勒(Rebecca Taylor)开发了一种以知识为中心的开放思想的替代方法。泰勒基于认识论的最新研究成果,即将理解作为一种主要的认识论商品,主张扩大思想开放性,将其作为一种追求知识和理解的智力美德。结合理解可以更健壮地考虑开放思想,从而更好地适应常见用法,避免了常见的批评,并更好地解释了开放思想已被广泛接受为重要的智力美德。泰勒还指出了思想开放与其他几种智力美德之间的联系,包括智力谦逊,智力勇气和勤奋。