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Educational Change and the Secondary School Music Curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. Edited by Graham McPhail, Vicki Thorpe, and Stuart Wise (2018)
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s40841-018-0121-8
Sean Scanlen

Educational Change and the Secondary School Music Curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand, edited by Graham McPhail, Vicki Thorpe, and Stuart Wise (2018), presents a wide variety of perspectives on curriculum matters in contemporary music education in New Zealand. This review gives an overview of the main themes presented by the editors and contributors, which include the concern that under present education policy, secondary students are liable to receive an incoherent music education that does not include important concepts that are necessary for success in tertiary music study. Contributors to the book also consider issues such as the use of computer technology in the music classroom, the teaching of composition, and initiatives such as the Smokefree Rockquest which present students with access to the local music industry. The book also situates the present state of New Zealand music education in the context of local politics and international educational movements, and considers how music teachers might respond to cultural diversity in their classrooms.


新西兰 Aotearoa 的教育变革和中学音乐课程。由 Graham McPhail、Vicki Thorpe 和 Stuart Wise 编辑(2018 年)

Graham McPhail、Vicki Thorpe 和 Stuart Wise 编辑(2018 年)在新西兰 Aotearoa 的教育变革和中学音乐课程,对新西兰当代音乐教育的课程问题提出了各种各样的观点。这篇评论概述了编辑和撰稿人提出的主要主题,其中包括担心在目前的教育政策下,中学生可能会接受不连贯的音乐教育,其中不包括在高等教育音乐中取得成功所必需的重要概念学习。本书的撰稿人还考虑了诸如在音乐课堂中使用计算机技术、作曲教学以及诸如无烟摇滚探索之类的倡议等问题,这些倡议为学生提供了接触当地音乐行业的机会。