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Te Whāriki: An Early Childhood Curriculum in a Superdiverse New Zealand
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s40841-019-00138-z
Angel Chan

Due to its large and diverse population of migrants, New Zealand is now considered to be a ‘superdiverse’ country (Royal Society of New Zealand in Languages in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2013), and its early childhood education settings are also increasingly ethnically and linguistically diverse (Ministry of Education in Early childhood education me ngā kōhanga reo data summary report, 2015). Yet it has been pointed out that policies and practices of superdiverse countries may be slow in responding to their superdiverse demographics (Vertovec in Ethnic and Racial Studies 30(6):1024–1054, https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870701599465, 2007). In light of this concern, the concept of superdiversity (Vertovec 2007) and a process of document analysis were utilised to interrogate how the New Zealand early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki, responds to complex and multifarious diversities. This paper describes the results of this interrogation. It also discusses possibilities for applying the superdiversity concept to interpreting and enacting the curriculum document in ways that address migration-driven inequality issues.


Te Whāriki:新西兰超级多元化的幼儿课程

由于移民人口众多且多样化,新西兰现在被认为是一个“超级多元化”的国家(新西兰皇家学会在新西兰 Aotearoa 的语言,2013 年),其幼儿教育环境也越来越多种族和语言多样化(幼儿教育部 me ngā kōhanga reo 数据摘要报告,2015 年)。然而,有人指出,超级多样化国家的政策和做法可能对其超级多样化的人口统计数据反应缓慢(Vertovec in Ethnic and Racial Studies 30(6):1024-1054, https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870701599465, 2007)。鉴于这种担忧,超级多样性的概念(Vertovec 2007)和文件分析过程被用来询问新西兰幼儿课程 Te Whāriki 如何,应对复杂多样的多样性。本文描述了这次审讯的结果。它还讨论了以解决移民驱动的不平等问题的方式应用超级多样性概念来解释和制定课程文件的可能性。