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Johannes Hämmerli and Nicolas Greber receive the 2018 Paul Niggli Medal
Swiss Journal of Geosciences ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00015-019-00338-1

The Paul Niggli Medal is Switzerland’s most prestigious award for young earth scientist who made outstanding contributions in the research fields of mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, resource geology or solid-earth geophysics. The Paul Niggli Medal honours and supports young ambassadors of Swiss geoscience, who are either Swiss citizens or obtained at least two of their academic degrees in the Swiss university system (BSc or MSc and usually their PhD).

The Board of the Paul Niggli Foundation decided, in their session of 8 June 2018, to exceptionally award the Paul Niggli Medal for the year 2018 to two equally deserving recipients: Johannes Hämmerli and Nicolas Greber.

J. Hämmerli, in recognition of his outstanding research contributions in the area of fluids and element mobility during metamorphism, in crustal differentiation and evolution with applications to ore deposit formation using novel microanalytical techniques.

N. Greber, in recognition of his outstanding research contributions in the area of magmatic processes, core-mantle differentiation and the chemical evolution of the continental crust through time using novel analytical techniques.

Maria Schönbächler (ETH Zürich)

On behalf of the Foundation Council of the Paul Niggli Stiftung


The award of the 2018 Niggli medal to Johannes Hämmerli reflects the excellence he has achieved in mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and resource geology. Johannes developed groundbreaking in situ measurements of isotopes in metamorphic minerals and applied this technique to various rock types, linking top-end geochemistry with detailed petrography, petrology and mineralogy. Johannes is already a leader among a new generation of Earth Scientists, who are not getting specialized in a narrow field, but widen up their expertise and link together diverse research fields with different approaches in process-oriented studies. He has contributed significant papers, from testing methods, to the development of standards as well as the application to metamorphic terrains and the formation of ore deposits.

Johannes did his undergraduate and Master studies at the University in Bern, where he focussed on petrology and tracing of fluids in the crust, providing an excellent background for the advanced geochemical studies that followed during his PhD and postdoc years. His PhD work under the supervision of Carl Spandler at the James Cook University in Townsville, Australia examined major and trace element mobility coupled with in situ Sm–Nd isotope analysis during Barrovian-style prograde metamorphism using field areas in Australia. Johannes received the “Deans Award for Excellence” from James Cook University for his PhD thesis. In 2014 Johannes received an SNF early postdoc mobility grant and moved to the University of Western Australia to work with Tony Kemp, investigating crustal evolution using in situ isotope microanalysis of minerals. Since 2016 Johannes is associated to a large Australian research project investigating the potential of accessory minerals in exploration targeting. I am very pleased that the next step in Johannes’ career will be back to the University of Bern, where he will start an Ambizione fellowship in mid 2019. On behalf of the researchers that supported the nomination I would like to congratulate Johannes Hämmerli for this great achievement and whish him all the best in the next stage of his career.

Jörg Hermann (University of Bern)

I am very honoured to receive the Paul Niggli Medal and I would like to thank the board members of the Paul Niggli Foundation for their consideration and my mentors and colleagues for nominating me for this prestigious award. It was a great experience to receive the Paul Niggli medal at the Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2018 in Bern. I would like to take this opportunity to briefly describe the 9 + year round-trip journey from Bern to Townsville to Perth and soon back to Bern and how it has laid the foundations for me receiving this award. I would foremost like to thank my supervisors and mentors who inspired and influenced my research over these 9 years and who opened many doors in my academic journey. Also, a big thank you to Jörg Hermann for the kind laudatio and citation.

My interest in Earth Sciences research was triggered during my Master studies at the Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Bern, when I joined the rock-water interaction group led by Larryn Diamond. My Master thesis focussed on characterizing fluid inclusions in the bedrock at a planned spent nuclear fuel repository site in Finland to reconstruct past fluid properties and to predict how much gas could potentially be released in the future. The mentorship and enthusiasm from Larryn Diamond, Florian Eichinger, and Nick Waber made my decision to pursue a scientific path and easy one. In 2010 I was awarded a scholarship to take up a PhD position at James Cook University in tropical Townsville, Australia, under the supervision of Carl Spandler, whom I met previously in Bern when he was working there with Thomas Pettke. My PhD studies focussed on applying micro-analytical tools to gain insights into fluid-rock interaction during metamorphism, associated element mobility, and the behaviour of radiogenic isotopes during prograde metamorphism on a mineral-scale. The overarching goals were to identify mineral phases, which control certain elements such as rare earth elements or base metals, and to monitor how and when during metamorphism such elements are redistributed between mineral phases and if certain elements are removed or added to the rocks during fluid-rock interactions.

The 4 years I spent in Townsville working on these projects were brilliant in every aspect and I enjoyed the tropical climate. One of the main reasons why I had such a meaningful and productive time in Far North Queensland was Carl. His mentorship, supervision, and guidance made my PhD a great experience. It was also Carl who introduced me to Daniela Rubatto and Jörg Hermann in Canberra, who I will be working closely with shortly. Additionally, during my PhD, Brian Rusk enabled me to continue working on and developing my skills in the field of fluid inclusions via collaboration studying a range of interesting ore deposits. Nick Oliver, who was just about to leave JCU when I arrived, remained an important mentor both in and out of the field. The combination of Carl, Nick, and Brian in the field surprisingly ended not in chaos, but in productive and fun trips to the Mt Lofty Ranges in South Australia and to the Mt Isa inlier in Queensland where I was able to pick up on a lot of their experience and expertise.

Tony Kemp was still at JCU at that time and he introduced me to the world of radiogenic isotopes when we tried to understand Nd isotope homogenization during metamorphism on a (sub-) grain-scale, and this approach became a key part of my further studies.

After completing my PhD in 2014, I was awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation Early Post Doc mobility fellowship, which enabled me to move across the Australian continent to the University of Western Australia to work with Tony Kemp. Again, I was very fortunate and privileged to have Tony as a great mentor and inspiring researcher who opened many doors on my journey and triggered my interest in working on some of the oldest rocks on Earth. These studies included some fantastic trips to the Yilgarn Terrane and the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia. Thanks is also due to Marco Fiorentini, under whose guidance I remained at UWA and joined the ARC Core to Crust Fluid Systems team to continue work on crustal-fluid processes. In mid 2018 I was awarded an Ambizione Fellowship, which brings me after 9 years Downunder back to Switzerland, and to Bern in particular. I am very excited for this next journey and feel very privileged to work with Jörg Hermann, Daniela Rubatto, Thomas Pettke and other Institute members in both Bern and Lausanne and with the Swiss geoscience community in general. I am very grateful that thus far I have had the opportunity to not only work with very smart people but also with great personalities, which in my opinion is equally important. Finally, I would like to thank my father for the financial support during my studies in Bern and of course my always supportive partner Hannah.

Johannes Hämmerli (University of Western Australia)


Nicolas Greber studied at the Institute für Geologie, University of Bern, and continued here for a PhD. Subsequently, Nicolas went on to fill a postdoctoral position at The University of Chicago, USA (Prof. Dauphas). Presently he is a postdoctoral researcher in Isotope Geochemistry, University of Geneva (Prof. Schaltegger).

In his PhD Nicolas found that Mo isotope ratios in molybdenite are significantly different from their host rocks, observing high temperature Mo isotope fractionation for the first time. This led to the hypothesis that Mo isotope ratios in silicate rocks can be heterogeneous, confirmed in a study of a magmatic fractionation suite. He further constrained the average Mo concentration of the mantle by analysing 30 komatiites from three continents to assess Mo systematics in the Bulk Silicate Earth, at least twice more precisely than previous published estimates. As their Mo isotopic composition matches published data on meteorites, he concluded that isotopic equilibrium of Mo was largely achieved between the core and the silicate mantle in early Earth. His thesis received the faculty prize in the Geosciences 2015 (Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät).

During his postdoc at the University of Chicago, Nicolas worked on the isotope composition of titanium in studies concerning thermal processing and gas-dust decoupling in the protoplanetary disk and as a potential tracer of evaporation/condensation in the solar nebula or magmatic differentiation in planetary bodies. Striking results concern the maturation of the continental crust. It was thought that the early continental crust was predominantly mafic. However, Nicolas’ 2017 Science paper on “Titanium isotopic evidence for felsic crust and plate tectonics 3.5 Ga ago” concludes that Archean crust had a similar proportion of felsic to mafic rocks to the modern one. Prof. Dauphas wrote in his letter of support for this medal: “This is truly a landmark study that has led to a re-evaluation of existing constraints on the nature of the continental crust though time”. A 2018 Nature paper co-authored by Nicolas complements this insight by applying triple-oxygen isotope composition (Δ17O) and constrains both area and timing of the emergence of landmasses to between 1 and 3 Ga. This pins down the emergence of continental crust to near-modern average elevation and extent to the Archean - Proterozoic transition.

Nicolas already contributed to peer reviewed publications during his master and PhD, and continued to publish during his postdoc times. In total, he (co-) authored 18 peer-reviewed papers, achieving a h-index of 10 (ISI) only 4 years after he completed his PhD. Overall the career of Nicolas displays a vivid scientific activity, by finding novel applications of state of the art geochemical tools. Together with his scientific openness and his involvement in various collaborations Nicolas is a perfect example of ‘young ambassadors of Swiss geoscience’.

Thomas Nägler (University of Bern)


I am deeply honoured to receive the 2018 Paul Niggli medal, and I am thankful towards the Paul Niggli Foundation and its board members for their support. I feel grateful that my scientific ideas and the research I pursued during the previous years have been positively received and acknowledged by my peers. During my time as a student, my work at the Natural History Museum in Bern, my PhD at the University of Bern and my postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Chicago and Geneva, I was fortunate to always experience a positive and stimulating working environment. More importantly, I was always warmly welcomed by my colleagues, most of which became good friends. Here, I want to thank them all for their constant support and guidance and I would also like to acknowledge the people that were most influential in my career and scientific development.

The lectures taught by Jan Kramers at the University of Bern during my undergraduate and graduate studies introduced me to the world of geochemistry and isotope geology. It intrigued me that he was not focused on one specific subject, but used chemical and isotopic tools to study a broad variety of topics, ranging from modern surface processes to ancient mantle dynamics. Clearly, this experience strongly influenced my decision to become an isotope geologist.

I would argue that my scientific career started with a part-time job at the Natural History Museum Bern under the guidance of Beda Hofmann. Beda introduced me to the extraterrestrial side of Earth Sciences and awakened my interest in how planetary bodies form, accrete and evolve during their infancy. It was thus an easy decision to accept an offer from Thomas Nägler to pursue a PhD thesis at the University of Bern, especially as his only condition was that part of my work needs to include advancing the isotope systematics of molybdenum. I highly appreciate the trust and freedom that Thomas gave me. He was a great mentor who not only challenged me intellectually, but also significantly increased my analytical skill set. Complementary to that, the constant support of and fruitful collaborations with Klaus Mezger, Thomas Pettke and Igor Villa led to an enjoyable and successful PhD thesis.

A Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoctoral Mobility Fellowship allowed me to advance my scientific career by joining the Origins Laboratory and the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago. There, I had the pleasure to work together with Nicolas Dauphas and use the newly developed isotope systematics of titanium to study the chemical evolution of the continental crust. I learned and benefited significantly from the scientific creativity of Nicolas, including using his method of translating isotopic data into quantitative models. My time in the United States was equally challenging, interesting and exciting, and I was fortunate to have met and collaborated with many enthusiastic scientists, including Andrey Bekker and Ilya Bindeman.

Subsequent to my postdoc in the United States, I decided to join the group of Urs Schaltegger at the University of Geneva. This position gave me the opportunity to delve into the systematics of radiogenic isotopes, to learn techniques amenable for high-precision U–Pb dating of zircons, and to increase our understanding of how massive volcanic eruptions influenced the evolution of life. Urs established a uniquely open minded and stimulating working environment in Geneva, which is revealed by numerous interdisciplinary collaborations. I was also fortunate to have met with Joshua Davies and Federico Farina, two other postdocs that share similar interests, and with whom I had many thought provoking scientific and non-scientific discussions.

Many more people and friends supported and helped me throughout the years and I would like to acknowledge them all here. A special thank you goes to my family for their constant unconditional support and encouragement!

Nicolas Greber (University of Geneva)

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Johannes Hämmerli and Nicolas Greber receive the 2018 Paul Niggli Medal. Swiss J Geosci 112, 619–622 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-019-00338-1

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约翰内斯·哈默里(JohannesHämmerli)和尼古拉斯·格雷伯(Nicolas Greber)获得2018年保罗·尼格里(Paul Niggli)奖牌

保罗·尼格里(Paul Niggli)奖章是瑞士最负盛名的青年地球科学家奖,他在矿物学,地球化学,岩石学,资源地质学或固体地球物理学方面做出了杰出贡献。保罗·尼格里(Paul Niggli)勋章旨在表彰和支持年轻的瑞士地球科学大使,他们是瑞士公民,或者在瑞士大学系统中至少获得了两个学位(BSc或MSc,通常是博士学位)。



N. Greber,表彰他在岩浆过程,岩心幔幔分化和大陆结壳化学演化方面的杰出研究贡献,并使用了新颖的分析技术。


代表Paul Niggli Stiftung基金会理事会



Johannes在伯尔尼大学攻读本科和硕士学位,在那里他专注于岩石学和地壳中的流体追踪,为他在博士学位和博士后期间进行的高级地球化学研究提供了出色的背景。在澳大利亚汤斯维尔的詹姆斯·库克大学的卡尔·斯潘德勒的指导下,他的博士学位研究使用澳大利亚的野外区域,研究了主要和微量元素的迁移率,以及在Barrovian式顺变质变质过程中的原位Sm-Nd同位素分析。约翰内斯(Johannes)的博士学位论文获得了詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook University)的“优秀院长奖”。2014年,约翰尼斯获得了SNF早期博士后流动性补助,并移居西澳大利亚大学与托尼·肯普(Tony Kemp)合作,使用矿物的原位同位素显微分析研究地壳演化。自2016年以来,Johannes参与了一个大型澳大利亚研究项目,该项目研究了辅助矿物在勘探目标中的潜力。我非常高兴约翰内斯的职业生涯的下一步将回到伯尔尼大学,他将在2019年中开始Ambizione奖学金。我代表支持这一提名的研究人员向约翰内斯·哈默利(JohannesHämmerli)表示祝贺。伟大的成就,并祝他事业蒸蒸日上。


我很荣幸获得Paul Niggli勋章,并感谢Paul Niggli基金会的董事会成员的考虑以及我的导师和同事提名我获得这一享有盛誉的奖项。在伯尔尼举行的2018年瑞士地球科学会议上获得Paul Niggli勋章是一次很棒的经历。我想借此机会简要描述从伯尔尼到汤斯维尔再到珀斯的9年往返旅程,然后很快再回到伯尔尼,以及它如何为我获得该奖项奠定了基础。我最要感谢我的主管和导师,他们在这9年中启发并影响了我的研究,并为我的学术之旅打开了许多大门。另外,非常感谢JörgHermann的赞美和引用。

当我加入由拉里·戴蒙德(Larryn Diamond)领导的岩水相互作用小组时,我在伯尔尼大学地质科学研究所攻读硕士学位时激发了我对地球科学研究的兴趣。我的硕士论文的重点是在芬兰计划中的乏核燃料处置库中表征基岩中的流体包裹体,以重建过去的流体性质并预测未来可能释放出多少天然气。拉里·戴蒙德(Larryn Diamond),弗洛里安·艾辛格(Florian Eichinger)和尼克·瓦伯(Nick Waber)的指导和热情使我决定走科学的道路,走一条简单的路。2010年,我获得了奖学金,在卡尔·斯潘德勒(Carl Spandler)的指导下,在澳大利亚热带的汤斯维尔(Townsville)的詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook University)担任博士学位。我的博士研究专注于应用微观分析工具,以深入了解变质过程中的流体-岩石相互作用,相关元素的活动性以及在矿物尺度上进行的变质过程中放射性同位素的行为。总体目标是确定控制某些元素(例如稀土元素或贱金属)的矿物相,并监测在变质过程中这些元素如何以及何时重新分布在矿物相之间,以及是否在流体流动期间某些元素被去除或添加到岩石中摇滚互动。

我在汤斯维尔(Townsville)从事这些项目的4年中,各个方面都很出色,我享受热带气候。我为什么在昆士兰州北部地区度过如此有意义而富有成效的时光的主要原因之一就是卡尔。他的指导,监督和指导使我的博士获得了丰富的经验。也是卡尔向我介绍了堪培拉的Daniela Rubatto和JörgHermann,不久我将与他们密切合作。此外,在攻读博士学位期间,Brian Rusk使我能够通过合作研究一系列有趣的矿床来继续研究和发展流体包裹体领域的技能。尼克·奥利弗(Nick Oliver)在我到达时即将离开JCU,无论在场内还是场外,他都是重要的导师。卡尔,尼克和布莱恩在现场的合并令人惊讶地没有陷入混乱,

托尼·肯普(Tony Kemp)当时还留在JCU,当我们试图了解(亚)晶粒度变质过程中Nd同位素的均质化时,他向我介绍了放射性同位素的领域,这种方法成为我进一步研究的关键部分。

在2014年获得博士学位后,我获得了瑞士国家科学基金会的博士后早期流动奖学金,这使我得以跨澳大利亚大陆来到西澳大利亚大学与Tony Kemp合作。再一次,我很幸运,很荣幸能有托尼作为一名出色的导师和鼓舞人心的研究员,他为我的旅程打开了许多门,并激发了我对研究地球上一些最古老的岩石的兴趣。这些研究包括前往西澳大利亚的Yilgarn Terrane和Pilbara Craton的奇妙旅行。也要感谢Marco Fiorentini,在我的指导下,我留在了西澳大学,并加入了ARC Core到Crust Fluid Systems团队,继续进行地壳流体过程的研究。在2018年年中,我获得了Ambizione奖学金,这使Downunder经历了9年回到瑞士,特别是伯尔尼。我为接下来的旅程感到非常兴奋,很荣幸与JörgHermann,Daniela Rubatto,Thomas Pettke和伯尔尼和洛桑的其他研究所成员以及整个瑞士地球科学界一起工作。我非常感激到目前为止,我不仅有机会与非常聪明的人一起工作,而且还与杰出的人格一起工作,我认为这同样重要。最后,我要感谢父亲在伯尔尼学习期间的经济支持,当然还要感谢我一直支持我的伙伴汉娜。我非常感激到目前为止,我不仅有机会与非常聪明的人一起工作,而且还与杰出的人格一起工作,我认为这同样重要。最后,我要感谢父亲在伯尔尼学习期间的经济支持,当然还要感谢我一直支持我的伙伴汉娜。我非常感激到目前为止,我不仅有机会与非常聪明的人一起工作,而且还与杰出的人格一起工作,我认为这同样重要。最后,我要感谢父亲在伯尔尼学习期间的经济支持,当然还要感谢我一直支持我的伙伴汉娜。



Nicolas Greber就读于伯尔尼大学地理研究所,并在此继续获得博士学位。随后,尼古拉斯(Nicolas)继续在美国芝加哥大学(Dauphas教授)担任博士后职位。目前,他是日内瓦大学同位素地球化学博士后研究员(沙尔特格教授)。


Nicolas在芝加哥大学的博士后期间从事钛合金的同位素组成研究,研究涉及原行星盘中的热处理和气体-粉尘解耦,以及作为太阳星云中蒸发/凝结或行星体岩浆分化的潜在示踪剂。 。惊人的结果与大陆壳的成熟有关。据认为,早期的大陆壳主要是镁铁质的。但是,Nicolas在2017年发表的有关“ 3.5 Ga以前的长英质地壳和板块构造的钛同位素证据”的科学论文得出的结论是,太古代地壳的长英质—镁铁质岩石比例与现代岩石相似。道法斯教授在他对这一勋章的支持信中写道:“这确实是一项具有里程碑意义的研究,它导致了对时间的限制,对现有的对大陆壳性质的制约因素进行了重新评估”。尼古拉斯(Nicolas)合着的2018年《自然》(Nature)论文通过应用三重氧同位素组成(Δ17O)补充了这一见解,并将陆块出现的面积和时机都限制在1-3 Ga之间。到太古代-元古代过渡的现代平均海拔和范围。




我很荣幸收到2018年的Paul Niggli勋章,同时也感谢Paul Niggli基金会及其董事会成员的支持。我很感激我的前几年的科学思想和研究得到了同行的积极肯定和认可。在学生时代,伯尔尼自然历史博物馆的工作,伯尔尼大学的博士学位以及芝加哥和日内瓦大学的博士后职位的工作期间,我很幸运能够始终体验到积极而令人兴奋的工作环境。更重要的是,我一直受到同事的热烈欢迎,他们中的大多数成为了好朋友。这里,

伯恩大学的扬·克拉默斯(Jan Kramers)在我的本科和研究生学习期间讲授的讲座向我介绍了地球化学和同位素地质领域。令我感兴趣的是,他并不专注于某个特定主题,而是使用化学和同位素工具研究了广泛的主题,从现代地表过程到古代地幔动力学。显然,这种经历极大地影响了我成为同位素地质学家的决定。

我认为我的科学生涯是在贝达·霍夫曼(Beda Hofmann)的指导下,在伯尔尼自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum)兼职开始的。Beda将我介绍给了地球科学的地球外一面,并引起了我对行星体在婴儿期如何形成,增生和进化的兴趣。因此,接受托马斯·纳格尔(ThomasNägler)的邀请在伯尔尼大学攻读博士学位论文是一个容易的决定,特别是因为他的唯一条件是我的工作部分需要包括推进钼的同位素体系。我非常感谢Thomas给我的信任和自由。他是一位伟大的导师,他不仅在智力上挑战了我,而且还大大提高了我的分析能力。与此相辅相成的是,与Klaus Mezger的持续支持和富有成果的合作,

瑞士国家科学基金会的博士后早期流动研究金使我能够加入芝加哥大学的起源实验室和恩里科·费米研究所,从而促进了我的科学事业。在这里,我很高兴与Nicolas Dauphas一起工作,并使用新开发的钛同位素系统研究了大陆壳的化学演化。我从尼古拉斯的科学创造力中学到了很多东西,并从中受益匪浅,包括使用他的方法将同位素数据转换为定量模型。我在美国的时间同样充满挑战,有趣和令人兴奋,我很幸运能与包括Andrey Bekker和Ilya Bindeman在内的许多热情的科学家会面并合作。

在美国读完博士后,我决定加入日内瓦大学的Urs Schaltegger小组。这个职位使我有机会深入研究放射同位素系统学,学习适用于锆石高精度U-Pb定年的技术,并加深了我们对大规模火山爆发如何影响生命演化的理解。Urs在日内瓦建立了一个独特的开放胸怀和激励人心的工作环境,众多的跨学科合作体现了这一点。我也很幸运与约书亚·戴维斯(Joshua Davies)和费德里科·法里纳(Federico Farina)见了面,他们是另外两位有着相似兴趣的博士后,我曾与他们进行了很多引起科学和非科学讨论的思考。


Nicolas Greber(日内瓦大学)




JohannesHämmerli和Nicolas Greber荣获2018年Paul Niggli奖章。瑞士ĴGeosci 112, 619-622(2019)。https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-019-00338-1


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  • DOI https //doi.org/10.1007/s00015-019-00338-1
