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Musical learning as a contributing factor in the development of socio-emotional competence in children aged 4 and 5: an Exploratory study in a naturalistic context
Early Child Development and Care ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2020.1862819
Helene Boucher 1 , Aimee Gaudette-Leblanc 2 , Julie Raymond 2 , Valerie Peters 2


Research has shown that young children’s socio-emotional development may benefit from participating in a music programme. In this study, we explored the association between participation in a general music programme and the development of socio-emotional skills in relation to the duration of the programme. Children aged 4 and 5 (N=50), from a low socio-economic neighbourhood, participated in an 8- or 15-week music programme. Children’s social skills development and emotion comprehension were measured. Teachers reported an increase in the social interaction and independence skills scores of the younger children and a decrease in the cooperation skills scores of the older children. Additionally, the older children showed an increase in their comprehension of emotions. The duration of the programme, however, did not yield any significant effect. Results suggest that the association between participation in a music programme and the development of social-emotional skills may be influenced by the age of the children.


音乐学习作为 4 岁和 5 岁儿童社会情感能力发展的一个促成因素:一项自然主义背景下的探索性研究


研究表明,参加音乐节目可能有助于幼儿的社会情感发展。在这项研究中,我们探讨了参与一般音乐课程与与课程持续时间相关的社会情感技能发展之间的关联。4 岁和 5 岁儿童(N=50),来自低社会经济社区,参加了 8 周或 15 周的音乐课程。测量儿童的社交技能发展和情感理解。教师报告说,年幼儿童的社交互动和独立技能得分有所增加,而年长儿童的合作技能得分则有所下降。此外,年龄较大的孩子表现出对情绪的理解有所增加。然而,该计划的持续时间并没有产生任何显着影响。结果表明,参加音乐节目与社会情感技能发展之间的关联可能受儿童年龄的影响。
