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Lived experience and the social model of disability: conflicted and inter-dependent ambitions for employment of people with a learning disability and their family carers
British Journal of Learning Disabilities ( IF 1.238 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1111/bld.12378
Abhrajit Giri 1 , Jill Aylott 2, 3 , Prosenjit Giri 4 , Sally Ferguson‐Wormley 5 , Jonathan Evans 6

Only 5.9% of working adults with a learning disability are in paid employment and their family-carers are similarly likely to be unemployed, as they continue to take on an extended caring and advocacy role as the welfare state retreats. Despite social policy efforts to stimulate employment for people with a learning disability, there has been little or no progress. Changes in the language of welfare benefit departments seek to use the words once heralded as success for the Disability rights activists and proponents of the social model: such as Inclusion, independence and citizenship. A new definition of the social model of disability utilising Hannah Arendt needs to redefine the “private” sphere of the lived experience of people with a learning disability to allow for a better understanding of the inter-dependencies that exist between people with a learning disability, their family carers and a wider support network.



只有 5.9% 的有学习障碍的在职成年人从事有偿工作,而他们的家庭照顾者同样可能失业,因为随着福利国家的撤退,他们继续承担着长期的照顾和倡导角色。尽管社会政策努力刺激有学习障碍的人就业,但进展甚微或没有进展。福利福利部门的语言变化试图使用曾经被视为残疾人权利活动家和社会模式支持者成功的词语:例如包容、独立和公民身份。