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Visual ageism and the subtle sexualisation of older celebrities in L'Oréal's advert campaigns: a Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis
Ageing & Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1017/s0144686x20002019
Lame Maatla Kenalemang

This study focuses on the recent increase in the use of older celebrities in cosmetics advertising. It asks what kinds of ideas and values these images may attribute to discourses of ageing. Drawing on a Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA) perspective, this study focuses on L'Oréal UK and Ireland Web advertisements, examining how these advertisements use older celebrities to redefine/reposition ageing and exploring how they relate to the notion of ‘successful ageing’. In these advertisements, using cosmetics is presented as a positive, empowering choice. The advertisements simultaneously promote new discourses about ageing in which older women's sexuality is presented as a form of power. However, the analysis shows that the underlying discourse pathologises ageing and presents ageing as something which can be evaded through the consumption of cosmetics. It thus turns ageing into a choice, but one where the ‘right choice’ aligns with neo-liberal ideas about ageing well. For women, decision-making about ageing seems to be a never-ending process that requires constant construction, promoted through the older celebrity's sexualisation. Women are expected to always look good and present the best versions of themselves, even at the latest stages of life, which reproduces and legitimises sexist and ageist expectations about women's appearances, including the expectations that for older women to remain visible and attractive, they must hide outward signs of ageing.



这项研究的重点是化妆品广告中使用较老的名人的最新情况。它询问这些图像可以归因于衰老的话语的什么样的观念和价值。本研究基于多模式批评性话语分析(MCDA)的观点,着眼于欧莱雅英国和爱尔兰的网络广告,研究了这些广告如何利用年龄较大的名人来重新定义/重新定位年龄,并探索它们与“成功的年龄”概念之间的关系。 。在这些广告中,使用化妆品被认为是一种积极的授权选择。这些广告同时宣传了有关衰老的新话题,其中老年妇女的性行为被视为一种力量。然而,分析表明,潜在的话语病态化是衰老的产物,并且表明衰老是可以通过食用化妆品而逃避的东西。因此,它把衰老变成了一种选择,但是“正确的选择”与新自由主义关于衰老的思想相吻合。对于女性而言,关于衰老的决策似乎是一个永无止境的过程,需要不断的建构,并通过年长的名人的性化来促进。即使在生命的最新阶段,人们也希望女性始终保持良好的状态,并展现出最佳的身材,这重现了性别歧视和老年主义对女性外貌的期望并使之合法化,包括期望老年女性保持可见和有吸引力的期望。隐藏外部老化迹象。但是,“正确的选择”与新自由主义关于老龄化的观念相吻合的一种选择。对于女性而言,关于衰老的决策似乎是一个永无止境的过程,需要不断的建构,并通过年长的名人的性化来促进。即使在生命的最新阶段,人们也希望女性始终保持良好的状态,并展现出最佳的身材,这重现了性别歧视和老年主义对女性外貌的期望并使之合法化,包括期望老年女性保持可见和有吸引力的期望。隐藏外部老化迹象。但是,“正确的选择”与新自由主义关于老龄化的观念相吻合的一种选择。对于女性而言,关于衰老的决策似乎是一个永无止境的过程,需要不断的建构,并通过年长的名人的性化来促进。即使在生命的最新阶段,人们也希望女性始终保持良好的状态,并展现出最佳的身材,这重现了性别歧视和老年主义对女性外貌的期望并使之合法化,包括期望老年女性保持可见和有吸引力的期望。隐藏外部老化迹象。
