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Nocturnal foraging and activity by diurnal lizards: Six species of day geckos (Phelsuma spp.) using the night‐light niche
Austral Ecology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1111/aec.13012
James Baxter‐Gilbert 1 , Cláudia Baider 2 , F.B. Vincent Florens 3 , Oliver Hawlitschek 4 , Ashwini V. Mohan 5 , Nitya P. Mohanty 1 , Carla Wagener 1 , Kathleen C. Webster 6 , Julia L. Riley 7, 8

Altered environments in urban areas are known to impact and change animal behaviour. In particular, artificial light at night (ALAN) affects behaviour across taxonomic groups, including reptiles. Geckos in the genus Phelsuma are predominantly diurnal, but some have been documented to alter their foraging behaviour from a diurnal to nocturnal activity period when they have access to artificial light sources. Herein, we report new observations of six Phelsuma spp. (Andaman day geckos, Pandamanensis; blue‐tailed day geckos, Pcepediana; Madagascar giant day geckos, Pgrandis; Réunion ornate day geckos, P. inexpectata; gold dust day geckos, Platicauda; Mahé day geckos, Psundbergi longinsulae) using artificial lights to engage in nocturnal activity that includes foraging, courtship, and agonistic behaviour. Artificial light at night augments the amount of time predators, especially visual predators, can spend foraging. This can increase their overall daily activity period (i.e. the amount of time spent active within 24 h), and research is yet to fully understand the cost–benefit trade‐offs this altered behaviour has on individual fitness. Overall, our novel accounts of six Phelsuma spp. contribute to knowledge regarding the diversity of animals that have altered their behaviour in response to ALAN and highlight the behavioural flexibility of this group of geckos.


夜间蜥蜴的夜间觅食和活动:利用夜间利基生态系统的六种白天壁虎(Phelsuma spp。)

众所周知,城市地区环境的变化会影响和改变动物的行为。特别是,夜间人造光(ALAN)会影响包括爬行动物在内的所有分类群体的行为。Phelsuma属的壁虎主要是昼夜活动的,但是有文献报道,当它们进入人造光源时,它们的觅食行为将从昼夜活动转变为夜间活动。在此,我们报告了六个Phelsuma spp的新观察结果。(安达曼天壁虎,P。  andamanensis ;蓝尾天壁虎,P。  cepediana ;马达加斯加巨天壁虎,P。 ;留尼汪华丽天壁虎,P. inexpectata; 金尘日壁虎,P。 laticauda ; 马埃日壁虎,P。 sundbergi longinsulae)使用人造光从事夜间活动,包括觅食,求爱和激动行为。夜间的人造光会增加捕食者(尤其是视觉捕食者)可用于觅食的时间。这可以增加他们的整体日常活动时间(即,在24小时内花费的时间),并且研究尚未完全了解这种改变的行为对个体适应性的成本-收益权衡。总的来说,我们的小说讲述了六只Phspp。有助于了解有关动物对ALAN的反应而改变了行为的多样性的知识,并突出了这组壁虎的行为灵活性。