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Revision of the resurrected deepwater scorpionfish genus Lythrichthys Jordan and Starks 1904 (Setarchidae), with descriptions of two new species
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00793-z
Hidetoshi Wada , Yoshiaki Kai , Hiroyuki Motomura

Lythrichthys Jordan and Starks 1904 (Setarchidae), previously regarded as a junior synonym of Setarches Johnson 1862, is recognized as valid, despite sharing some diagnostic characters with the latter, both genera differing from others in the family in having III, 4–6 (usually 5) anal-fin rays, the body depth at the pelvic-fin origin and interorbital width at the vertical midline of the eye 29.1–42.9% and 7.4–12.9% of standard length, respectively, snout, dorsal and ventral surface of the head naked, first lacrimal spine well developed and of similar length to the second and third spines, intestine and pyloric caeca black or grey, and swimbladder well developed. Lythrichthys differs from Setarches in having the second preopercular spine short or rudimentary (vs. well developed, of similar length to the first and third spines in Setarches), the thoracic and abdominal scales embedded (vs. exposed), the tip of the first lacrimal spine reaching the upper lip (vs. not reaching, except in juveniles), and 9 abdominal vertebrae (vs. 10). In addition, examination of all nominal species included in Setarchidae showed that five were best placed in Lythrichthys, viz. Lythrichthys longimanus (Alcock 1894), Lythrichthys eulabes Jordan and Starks 1904, Lythrichthys cypho (Fowler 1938), Lythrichthys dentatus sp. nov. and Lythrichthys grahami sp. nov., with Setarches including only Setarches guentheri Johnson 1862.


修订了复活的深水鲈鱼属Lythrichthys Jordan和Starks 1904(Setarchidae),并描述了两个新物种

Lythrichthys Jordan和Starks 1904(Setarchidae)以前被视为Setarches Johnson 1862的初级同义词,尽管与后者具有某些诊断特征,但它们的家族属III,4-6(不同于该家族中的其他家族)被认为是有效的。通常5)肛鳍射线,骨盆鳍起点的身体深度和眼睛垂直中线的眼眶宽度分别为标准长度的29.1–42.9%和7.4–12.9%,分别是鼻,鼻和腹侧面头部裸露,第一泪棘发育良好,长度与第二和第三棘相似,肠和幽门盲肠呈黑色或灰色,且游泳囊发育良好。LythrichthysSetarches不同在使第二个术前脊柱短或基本(相对发达,长度与Setarches中的第一和第三脊柱相似)时,胸和​​腹部鳞片被埋入(相对于裸露),第一泪腺的尖端到达上部嘴唇(相对于未成年者除外)和9个腹部椎骨(相对于10)。此外,对科目纲中所有标称物种的检查表明,五个最好放在Lythrichthys,即。Lythrichthys longimanus(Alcock 1894),Lythrichthys eulabes Jordan和Starks 1904,Lythrichthys cypho(Fowler 1938),Lythrichthys dentatus sp。十一月 和Lythrichthys grahami sp。十一月塞塔克族仅包括塞塔克族guentheri Johnson 1862。
