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Counseling for Wellness With Older Adults
Adultspan Journal Pub Date : 2016-10-01 , DOI: 10.1002/adsp.12025
Matthew C. Fullen 1

A longevity revolution (Butler, 2008) is occurring across the globe. Because of factors ranging from the reduction of early-age mortality to an increase in life expectancy at later ages, most of the world’s population is now living longer than preceding generations (Bengtson, 2014). There are currently more than 44 million older adults—typically defined as persons 65 years and older—living in the United States, and this number is expected to increase to 98 million by 2060 (Administration on Aging, 2016). Although most older adults report higher levels of life satisfaction than do younger or middle-aged adults (George, 2010), between 5.6 and 8 million older Americans have a diagnosable mental health or substance use disorder (Bartels & Naslund, 2013). Furthermore, because of the rapid growth of the older adult population, this figure is expected to nearly double by 2030 (Bartels & Naslund, 2013). Mental health care is effective for older adults, and evidence-based treatments exist to address a broad range of issues, including anxiety disorders, depression, sleep disturbances, substance abuse, and some symptoms of dementia (Myers & Harper, 2004). Counseling interventions may also be beneficial for nonclinical life transitions, such as coping with loss, adjusting to retirement and a reduced income, and becoming a grandparent (Myers & Harper, 2004). Yet, older adults are underserved when it comes to mental



一场长寿革命(巴特勒,2008 年)正在全球范围内发生。由于早年死亡率降低到晚年预期寿命延长等因素,世界上大多数人口现在的寿命比前几代人都长(Bengtson,2014 年)。目前有超过 4400 万老年人(通常定义为 65 岁及以上的人)居住在美国,预计到 2060 年这一数字将增加到 9800 万(老龄化管理署,2016 年)。尽管大多数老年人报告的生活满意度高于年轻人或中年人(乔治,2010 年),但仍有 56 至 800 万美国老年人患有可诊断的心理健康或物质使用障碍(Bartels & Naslund,2013 年)。此外,由于老年人口的快速增长,到 2030 年,这一数字预计将增加近一倍(Bartels & Naslund,2013 年)。精神卫生保健对老年人有效,现有的循证治疗方法可以解决广泛的问题,包括焦虑症、抑郁症、睡眠障碍、药物滥用和痴呆症的一些症状(Myers & Harper,2004 年)。咨询干预也可能有益于非临床生活的转变,例如应对损失、适应退休和收入减少以及成为祖父母 (Myers & Harper, 2004)。然而,老年人在精神方面的服务不足 药物滥用和痴呆症的一些症状(Myers & Harper,2004 年)。咨询干预也可能有益于非临床生活的转变,例如应对损失、适应退休和收入减少以及成为祖父母 (Myers & Harper, 2004)。然而,老年人在精神方面的服务不足 药物滥用和痴呆症的一些症状(Myers & Harper,2004 年)。咨询干预也可能有益于非临床生活的转变,例如应对损失、适应退休和收入减少以及成为祖父母 (Myers & Harper, 2004)。然而,老年人在精神方面的服务不足