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Friendship Floating Hospitals: Healthcare for the Riverine People of Bangladesh
Journal of Developing Societies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0169796x19826763
Jashim Uddin Ahmed 1 , Maliha Rahanaz 2 , Rubaiyat-i-Siddique 2

Bangladesh is a land of rivers, with the settlements near the river banks, coastal areas, and char island areas typically being zones of great poverty. Providing basic healthcare services to these people is a considerable challenge. In this situation, the Friendship Floating Hospitals emerged, offering a line of floating hospitals—the Lifebuoy Friendship Hospital, Emirates Friendship Hospital, and Rongdhonu Friendship Hospital. Providing full-fledged hospitals inside a ship, these ships sail to the threshold of the riverine people of Bangladesh and dock nearby to help people access their basic right to decent health. This article explores the unique health services provided by the Friendship team, utilizing an approach, “the 4As” (affordability, availability, acceptability, and awareness), to assess health service delivery for the riverine people of Bangladesh.



孟加拉国是河流之乡,靠近河岸,沿海地区和炭黑岛地区的居民区通常是极度贫困的地区。为这些人提供基本的医疗保健服务是一个巨大的挑战。在这种情况下,友谊浮动医院应运而生,提供了一系列的浮动医院-救生圈友谊医院,阿联酋友谊医院和荣多努友谊医院。这些船在船上设有成熟的医院,驶向孟加拉河沿岸人民的门槛,并在附近停靠,以帮助人们享有获得体面健康的基本权利。本文探讨了友谊小组提供的独特健康服务,它采用了一种“ 4A”方法(负担能力,可用性,可接受性和意识),