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Making Pushkar Paradise: Hindu Ritualization and the Environment
International Journal of Hindu Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s11407-017-9212-2
Drew Thomases

Based on ethnographic fieldwork in the pilgrimage and tourist town of Pushkar, India, this article looks at the environmental degradation that has befallen the holy lake there and explores efforts on the part of locals to clean it. While local Hindus believe unequivocally that their town is a heavenly place, many nevertheless recognize the need to actualize that belief. The article contends that the broad goal of making Pushkar paradise, and more specifically, the task of cleaning the lake, involves a robust process of ritualization. Thinking alongside the work of Catherine Bell, the article aims to show how environmentalism becomes ritualized, and in turn renders a place sacred. The article concludes with the idea that cleaning the lake is both an activity born out of the understanding that Pushkar is paradise and one that simultaneously sets paradise in the making.



本文基于在印度普什卡朝圣和旅游小镇进行的民族志实地考察,研究了那里圣湖的环境退化情况,并探讨了当地人为清洁它所做的努力。虽然当地的印度教徒明确地相信他们的城镇是天堂,但许多人仍然认识到实现这一信念的必要性。文章认为,使普什卡成为天堂的广泛目标,更具体地说,是清理湖泊的任务,涉及一个强大的仪式化过程。与凯瑟琳·贝尔 (Catherine Bell) 的作品一起思考,这篇文章旨在展示环保主义如何变得仪式化,从而使一个地方变得神圣。