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On Curating Postwar
ARTMargins ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1162/artm_a_00236
Romy Golan , Katy Siegel

On March 8, 2017, curator and art historian Katy Siegel delivered a lecture at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about the exhibition Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic, 1945–1965 she curated with Okwui Enwezor and Ulrich Wilmes at Haus der Kunst, Munich from October 2016 to March 2017. Postwar, and its accompanying publications, explored how artists responded to the Holocaust, the atomic bomb, a radically transforming world in the aftermath of World War II, and—amidst Cold War divides—decolonization movements, the struggle for civil rights, and the invention of new communication technologies. Ambitious in scope, generous in outlook, and remarkable in its capacity for critical and self-reflexive dialogue, Postwar exemplified many of the qualities that made Enwezor the most significant curatorial voice of the last quarter century. As the final event in the Art, Institutions, and Inter nationalism conference on which this special issue is based, Siegel's lecture capped off two days of intensive discussions on how political internationalism and its attendant institutions impacted the development of art around the world in the mid-twentieth century. During a conversation with art historian Romy Golan following her lecture, Siegel outlined the curatorial decisions that went into Postwar and discussed how exhibitions can confront entrenched ideas of quality and belatedness inherited from Eurocentric readings of modernism.



2017年3月8日,策展人兼艺术史学家凯蒂·西格尔(Katy Siegel)在纽约现代艺术博物馆就1945年至1965年的《战后:太平洋与大西洋之间的艺术》展览发表演讲,她与Okwui Enwezor和Ulrich Wilmes共同策划了于2016年10月至2017年3月在慕尼黑的艺术之家(Haus der Kunst)进行。战后及其伴随的出版物探讨了艺术家如何应对第二次世界大战后的大屠杀,原子弹爆炸,一个正在彻底改变的世界,以及-与冷战分开的情况-非殖民化运动,争取民权的斗争以及新通信技术的发明。战后的视野雄心勃勃,视野开阔,并且在进行批判性和自我反思性对话方面表现出色,充分体现了使恩威佐成为上个四分之一世纪最重要的策展声音的许多特质。作为这一特殊问题所基于的艺术,机构和国际主义会议的最后活动,西格尔的演讲结束了为期两天的激烈讨论,讨论政治国际主义及其伴随的机构如何在中期影响世界艺术的发展。 -二十世纪。在演讲后,与艺术史学家罗米·戈兰(Romy Golan)进行对话时,西格尔概述了战后的策展决定,并讨论了展览如何应对源自欧洲中心主义现代主义思想的根深蒂固的质量和延误观念。在为期两天的激烈讨论中,政治国际主义及其伴随的机构如何影响了20世纪中叶世界各地的艺术发展。在演讲后,与艺术史学家罗米·戈兰(Romy Golan)进行对话时,西格尔概述了战后的策展决定,并讨论了展览如何应对源自欧洲中心主义现代主义思想的根深蒂固的质量和延误观念。在为期两天的激烈讨论中,政治国际主义及其伴随的机构如何影响了20世纪中叶世界各地的艺术发展。在演讲后,与艺术史学家罗米·戈兰(Romy Golan)进行对话时,西格尔概述了战后的策展决定,并讨论了展览如何应对源自欧洲中心主义现代主义思想的根深蒂固的质量和延误观念。