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A Protected Minority? Jews and Criminal Justice: Bologna, 1370–1500
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-018-9284-6
Trevor Dean

Though Jews arrived late in Bologna, they soon came to form a considerable community, numbering several hundred by the end of the fourteenth century. The existing historiography of this community is strongly characterized by ideas of inclusion and normalization of Jewish relations with Christian society. In contrast, the historiography of Jews in Renaissance Italy is heavily marked by references to their prosecution for alleged crimes. In exploring this contrast, this article examines fifty Bolognese trials involving Jews between 1370 and 1500, covering homicide, violence, theft, and sexual offenses. In order to reveal the particular character of criminal prosecutions of Jews, they are here placed in a comparative analysis with those of a similar group in the city: students.



尽管犹太人到达博洛尼亚的时间较晚,但他们很快就形成了一个相当大的社区,到 14 世纪末已有数百人。该社区现有的历史编纂以犹太与基督教社会关系的包容和正常化的思想为特征。相比之下,文艺复兴时期意大利犹太人的历史编纂以提及他们因涉嫌犯罪而受到起诉为标志。为了探讨这种对比,本文考察了 1370 年至 1500 年间涉及犹太人的 50 起博洛尼亚审判,涵盖凶杀、暴力、盗窃和性犯罪。为了揭示对犹太人进行刑事起诉的特殊性,这里将他们与城市中的一个类似群体:学生进行比较分析。