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Intellectual History of the Islamicate World beyond Denominational Borders: Challenges and Perspectives for a Comprehensive Approach
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-019-09330-6
Sabine Schmidtke

The study of the interrelatedness of Islamic and Jewish intellectual history relies largely on the manuscript materials preserved in the various Geniza collections. The Firkovitch manuscripts in particular provide ample material for an analysis of the different patterns of reception/transmission/cross-pollination between Jewish and Muslim scholars, though the bulk of the relevant material still needs to be cataloged and studied. This essay discusses four cases, each exemplifying a different pattern, namely, Muʿtazilī kalām and its reception among the Karaites, the case of David ben Joshua Maimonides (d. 1415), the thirteenth-century Jewish philosopher Ibn Kammūna and his reception among Jews and Muslims, and an anonymous refutation by a Rabbanite Jew against the anti-Jewish polemical work Ifḥām al-yahūd by the twelfth-century Jewish convert to Islam Samawʾal al-Maghribī.



对伊斯兰和犹太思想史相互关联的研究在很大程度上依赖于保存在各种 Geniza 收藏中的手稿材料。Firkovitch 手稿尤其为分析犹太和穆斯林学者之间不同的接收/传播/异花授粉模式提供了充足的材料,尽管大部分相关材料仍然需要编目和研究。这篇文章讨论了四个案例,每个案例都说明了不同的模式,即 Muʿtazilī kalām 及其在 Karaites 中的接受、David ben Joshua Maimonides(卒于 14​​15 年)的案例、13 世纪的犹太哲学家 Ibn Kammūna 以及他在犹太人和穆斯林,