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Introduction: Judeophobia and Islamophobia in France Before and After Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-018-9305-5
Jonathan Judaken

This article opens with an assessment of the narratives that emerged in the immediate wake of the Charlie Hebdo / Hyper Cacher events in January 2015. It does so by examining the differing hashtags of the moment—#jesuisCharlie, #jesuisjuif, #LassBat—and how each offered a distilled account of what the moment meant; these competing interpretations were echoed in the news coverage and the commentary that followed. The article proceeds to set out how this special issue reframes and reevaluates the recent history of relations between Jews and Muslims in France. Each author suggests that Judeophobia and Islamophobia are inextricably entangled in ways more complicated than simple formulas or hashtags can encapsulate. Taking on the suggestion that “Muslims are the new Jews” in France (or in Europe), the special issue instead urges an appreciation of the interlocked vulnerabilities and insecurities of both Jews and Muslims. Such an approach requires a recognition of the structural and institutional forces and ideologies that have shaped their interconnected destinies in the last generation.



本文首先评估了 2015 年 1 月查理周刊 / Hyper Cacher 事件后立即出现的叙述。它通过检查当下的不同主题标签——#jesuisCharlie、#jesuisjuif、#LassBat——以及如何每个人都对这一刻的含义进行了精炼的说明;这些相互矛盾的解释在随后的新闻报道和评论中得到了回应。文章接着阐述了这个特刊如何重新构建和重新评估法国犹太人和穆斯林之间关系的近期历史。每位作者都表示,犹太恐惧症和伊斯兰恐惧症以比简单公式或主题标签可以封装的更复杂的方式纠缠在一起。接受法国(或欧洲)“穆斯林是新犹太人”的建议,相反,特刊敦促了解犹太人和穆斯林之间相互关联的脆弱性和不安全感。这种方法需要承认在上一代塑造了他们相互关联的命运的结构性和制度性力量和意识形态。