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Goitein and Strong Women
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-019-09315-5
Oded Zinger

This essay examines S. D. Goitein’s tendency to find strong women in Geniza documents. I situate this predilection at the intersection of three separate currents. The first is the growing interest in women’s history in the late 1960s and early 1970s, precisely the time in which Goitein was working on the third volume of A Mediterranean Society. The second is a stereotype with a long history that sees Egyptian women as ruling over their weak husbands. Finally, Goitein seemed to have an interest in dominant female figures even before he turned to the study of the Geniza. I conclude by suggesting that, instead of describing certain women as strong, it is more useful to explore what the sources and types of strength for Jewish women in Egypt were and how they accessed, activated, and deployed their resources.



本文考察了 S. D. Goitein 在 Geniza 文件中寻找强势女性的倾向。我将这种偏好置于三个独立潮流的交叉点。首先是 1960 年代末和 1970 年代初对女性历史的兴趣日益浓厚,这正是 Goitein 正在撰写《地中海社会》第三卷的时期。第二种是历史悠久的刻板印象,认为埃及妇女统治着软弱的丈夫。最后,甚至在他转向研究 Geniza 之前,Goitein 似乎就对占主导地位的女性形象感兴趣。最后我建议,与其将某些女性描述为坚强,不如探索埃及犹太女性力量的来源和类型,以及她们如何获取、激活和部署自己的资源,这更有用。