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Escape through Poland: Soviet Jewish Emigration in the 1950s
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-018-9286-4
Gennady Estraikh

The emigration movement among Soviet Jews is usually dated to the 1960s–1990s. This essay focuses on the premovement emigration in the 1950s, which prepared the ground for the massive departure of Jews and non-Jewish members of their families, primarily to Israel and the United States. The parameters for leaving the Soviet Union in the 1950s were in many ways similar to the parameters for returning to Poland in the immediate post–World War II years. On paper, the basic pools of emigrants were the same: Jews who at the outbreak of World War II were Polish nationals. In reality, many repatriates of the 1950s were more Soviet than Polish, leaving the country where they had lived for up to twenty years, which often was a lion’s share of their lives. Those—that is, the majority—who ultimately reached Israel went through two repatriation processes: first, as returnees to their pre–World War II homeland and, second, as Jews going back to their historical homeland. As this essay shows, the contemporaneous political and social climates in the Soviet Union and Poland, the nature of those countries’ mutual relations and of their relations with Israel, not present on the map until 1948, framed a unique context for emigration in the early post-Stalinist period.


逃离波兰:1950 年代的苏联犹太人移民

苏联犹太人的移民运动通常可以追溯到 1960 年代至 1990 年代。本文重点关注 1950 年代的运动前移民,这为犹太人及其家庭非犹太人成员的大规模迁徙(主要是以色列和美国)奠定了基础。1950 年代离开苏联的参数在许多方面与二战后立即返回波兰的参数相似。在纸面上,移民的基本群体是相同的:二战爆发时的犹太人是波兰国民。实际上,1950 年代的许多遣返者比波兰人更像苏联人,离开了他们生活了长达 20 年的国家,这通常是他们生命中的很大一部分。那些最终到达以色列的人——也就是大多数人——经历了两个遣返过程:首先,作为返回二战前家园的返回者,其次,作为返回他们历史故土的犹太人。正如本文所示,苏联和波兰同时代的政治和社会气候、这些国家的相互关系及其与以色列的关系的性质,直到 1948 年才出现在地图上,构成了早期移民的独特背景。后斯大林时期。