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Responsa in Geniza Fragments
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-019-09327-1
Robert Brody

This essay describes outstanding features of two types of responsa preserved in the Geniza autographs of individual responsa and collections. An example of each type is provided: an autograph responsum of Maimonides and a collection of responsa issued by the academy of Sura under the aegis of Natronai b. Hilai Gaon.


Geniza 片段中的响应

这篇文章描述了保存在 Geniza 的个人回复和收藏的签名中的两种类型的回复的突出特征。提供了每种类型的示例:迈蒙尼德的亲笔签名回复和苏拉学院在 Natronai b 的支持下发布的回复集。海莱加恩。