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Jerome of Prague and the Foundations of the Hussite Movement. By Thomas A. Fudge. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 379 pp. $99.00 cloth.
Church History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0009640718000318
Reid S. Weber

out the omnipresent practice, indeed the traditional custom, of clerical unions among the Catalan clergy would be both impractical and futile. Because the policies of church officials (along with the attitudes of lay communities) are best described as “tolerant” towards clerical couples, I continue to question whether the male partners in these marriage-like unions should be considered “defiant” or “conformist.” Nevertheless, that is a small quibble with a wonderful book.


布拉格热罗姆和胡斯特运动基金会。托马斯·福吉(Thomas A. 纽约:牛津大学出版社,2016年。379页,每本99.00美元。

加泰罗尼亚神职人员之间无所不在的惯例,实际上是传统习俗,是不切实际和徒劳的。因为最好将教会官员的政策(连同外行社区的态度)描述为对文书伴侣“宽容”,所以我继续质疑,这些婚姻式婚姻中的男性伴侣应被视为“挑衅”还是“顺从主义者”。 ” 尽管如此,那是一本小书,有一本很棒的书。