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Tribally specific cultural learning: the Remember the Removal program
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1177180120952897
Melissa Lewis 1 , Laurelle Myhra 2 , Benny Smith 3 , Sarah Holcomb 4 , Joseph Erb 1 , Tyler Jimenez 1

Remember the Removal is a program for Cherokee youth and young adults which aims to increase Cherokee knowledge, culture, and language by retracing the Trail of Tears. This study evaluated the Cherokee values that were gained and how the participants learned and applied traditional Cherokee values through the program. This is significant because cultural knowledge and connection are important developmental aspects for Indigenous youth and can also protect them from health risks. To assess cultural growth, a total of 23 Remember the Removal participants took part in focus groups. Participants comprised two cohorts: the first cohort of the program was in 1984 (n = 15) and the most current cohort occurred in 2015 (n = 9). Data were analyzed using program evaluation and decolonization methods. Results indicated that there were five themes related to Cherokee values: treat everyone with kindness, help each other, work together, take care of one another, treat each other as family, and be confident. These values mapped onto traditional Cherokee Community Values that had been pre-established by Cherokee Nation and the Cherokee community. This analysis confirmed that this cultural training is feasible; results in improved connection to peers, family, and tribe; is representative of Cherokee values; that the values are applied outside of the program and into the community; and can last up to 32 years.



请记住,去除是针对切诺基青年和年轻人的计划,旨在通过追溯“泪痕”来增加切诺基的知识,文化和语言。这项研究评估了所获得的切诺基价值,以及参与者如何通过该计划学习和应用传统的切诺基价值。这很重要,因为文化知识和联系对于土著青年是重要的发展方面,也可以保护他们免受健康风险。为了评估文化发展,共有23位“记得罢免”参与者参加了焦点小组。参与者包括两个队列:该计划的第一个队列是1984年(n = 15),最近的队列是2015年(n = 9)。使用程序评估和非殖民化方法分析数据。结果表明,有五个与切诺基价值观相关的主题:善待每个人,互相帮助,一起工作,互相照顾,将彼此当作家人对待并保持自信。这些价值映射到切诺基国家和切诺基社区预先建立的传统切诺基社区价值上。该分析证实了这种文化培训是可行的。改善与同龄人,家庭和部落的联系;是切诺基价值观的代表;这些价值观已在计划外部和社区中应用;最多可以使用32年。这些价值映射到切诺基国家和切诺基社区预先建立的传统切诺基社区价值上。该分析证实了这种文化培训是可行的。改善与同龄人,家庭和部落的联系;是切诺基价值观的代表;这些价值观已在计划外部和社区中应用;最多可以使用32年。这些价值映射到切诺基国家和切诺基社区预先建立的传统切诺基社区价值上。该分析证实了这种文化培训是可行的。改善与同龄人,家庭和部落的联系;是切诺基价值观的代表;这些价值观已在计划外部和社区中应用;最多可以使用32年。