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The Journal of Commonwealth Literature ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0021989419877045
Mafruha Mohua 1 , Mahruba T. Mowtushi 1

Although comparatively few writers from East Bengal/Bangladesh have opted to write in English, from the late 1960s onwards there has been a steady trickle of English translations of Bengali works. The first such example is Syed Waliullah’s Lal Shalu (1948), translated by the author in 1967 as Tree without Roots. While the aftermath of the partition of 1947 witnessed large-scale dislocation of people, regional relocations within the eastern frontiers of Bengal further complicated the many nuances of migration and reparation. Tree without Roots is one of the best-known novels by an East Bengali set in the newly created East Pakistan and presents an invaluable assessment of the role of religion in the construction of a Pakistani national consciousness. The story follows the travels and eventual resettlement of an ingenious Muezzin whose devout mysticism fittingly conceals the existential angst of a distressed man masquerading as a Pir (holy man). Tree without Roots is a brilliant exposition of the politics behind religious dogma in the rural outskirts of post-1947 Eastern Bengal. Yet what is curious about the novel is the complete absence of any direct reference to the Partition of 1947. Writing of the Partition of the Indian subcontinent, Joya Chatterji notes that there is still a “gaping void at the heart of the subject”. In Bengal this void is experienced as a double emptiness. Firstly, the ordinary people of Bengal, like those of Punjab, could not fathom the logic of drawing “shadow lines”, to use Amitabh Ghosh’s evocative phrase, across ancestral lands. Secondly, there is the strange case of the reluctance of Bengali writers to address the event. Unlike Hindi and Urdu writers, Bengali writers, to the bafflement and, at times, disappointment of critics, have remained relatively silent on this momentous event. East Bengali/East Pakistani writers often took an oblique perspective on Partition, their work according more importance to the seemingly insignificant than the big events of Partition. Waliullah’s widely anthologized short story “Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini” (1965), translated as “The Tale of a Tulsi Plant” and collected in Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003), is a case in point. The story recounts the experience of a 877045 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045The Journal of Commonwealth LiteratureMohua and Mowtushi research-article2019



尽管来自东孟加拉邦/孟加拉国的作家选择用英语写作的相对较少,但从 1960 年代后期开始,孟加拉语作品的英语翻译源源不断。第一个这样的例子是赛义德·瓦柳拉 (Syed Waliullah) 的 Lal Shalu (1948),作者于 1967 年将其翻译为无根之树。虽然 1947 年分治的后果见证了大规模的人口迁移,但孟加拉东部边境内的区域迁移进一步复杂化了移民和赔偿的许多细微差别。《无根之树》是一部以新成立的东巴基斯坦为背景的东孟加拉人最著名的小说之一,它对宗教在巴基斯坦民族意识建设中的作用进行了宝贵的评估。故事讲述了一位聪明的缪赞的旅行和最终的重新安置,他虔诚的神秘主义恰如其分地掩盖了一个伪装成 Pir(圣人)的痛苦男人的生存焦虑。《无根之树》是对 1947 年后东孟加拉邦农村郊区宗教教条背后政治的精彩阐述。然而,这部小说的奇怪之处在于完全没有直接提及 1947 年的瓜分。乔亚查特吉在撰写印度次大陆的瓜分时指出,“主题的核心仍然存在一个巨大的空白”。在孟加拉,这种空虚被体验为双重空虚。首先,孟加拉的普通民众和旁遮普的民众一样,无法理解绘制“阴影线”的逻辑,用阿米塔布·戈什(Amitabh Ghosh)的令人回味的短语,跨越祖先的土地。第二,有一个奇怪的例子,即孟加拉作家不愿谈论这一事件。与印地语和乌尔都语作家不同,孟加拉语作家对这一重大事件保持相对沉默,令评论家感到困惑,有时甚至感到失望。东孟加拉文/东巴基斯坦作家经常对分区采取倾斜的视角,他们的作品更重视看似微不足道的分区事件,而不是大事件。Waliullah 被广泛收录的短篇小说“Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini”(1965 年),被翻译为“Tulsi 植物的故事”并收录在 Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003) 中,就是一个很好的例子。故事讲述了一个877045的经历 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045英联邦文学杂志莫华和莫图什研究-文章2019 与印地语和乌尔都语作家不同,孟加拉语作家对这一重大事件保持相对沉默,令评论家感到困惑,有时甚至感到失望。东孟加拉文/东巴基斯坦作家经常对分区采取倾斜的视角,他们的作品更重视看似微不足道的分区事件,而不是大事件。Waliullah 被广泛收录的短篇小说“Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini”(1965 年),被翻译为“Tulsi 植物的故事”并收录在 Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003) 中,就是一个很好的例子。故事讲述了一个877045的经历 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045英联邦文学杂志莫华和莫图什研究-文章2019 与印地语和乌尔都语作家不同,孟加拉语作家对这一重大事件保持相对沉默,令评论家感到困惑,有时甚至感到失望。东孟加拉/东巴基斯坦作家经常对分区采取倾斜的视角,他们的作品更重视看似微不足道的分区事件,而不是大事件。Waliullah 被广泛收录的短篇小说“Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini”(1965 年),被翻译为“Tulsi 植物的故事”并收录在 Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003) 中,就是一个很好的例子。故事讲述了一个877045的经历 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045英联邦文学杂志莫华和莫图什研究-文章2019 对这一重大事件保持相对沉默。东孟加拉文/东巴基斯坦作家经常对分区采取倾斜的视角,他们的作品更重视看似微不足道的分区事件,而不是大事件。Waliullah 被广泛收录的短篇小说“Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini”(1965 年),被翻译为“Tulsi 植物的故事”并收录在 Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003) 中,就是一个很好的例子。故事讲述了一个877045的经历 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045英联邦文学杂志莫华和莫图什研究-文章2019 对这一重大事件保持相对沉默。东孟加拉文/东巴基斯坦作家经常对分区采取倾斜的视角,他们的作品更重视看似微不足道的分区事件,而不是大事件。Waliullah 被广泛收录的短篇小说“Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini”(1965 年),被翻译为“Tulsi 植物的故事”并收录在 Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003) 中,就是一个很好的例子。故事讲述了一个877045的经历 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045英联邦文学杂志莫华和莫图什研究-文章2019 Waliullah 被广泛收录的短篇小说“Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini”(1965 年),被翻译为“Tulsi 植物的故事”并收录在 Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003) 中,就是一个很好的例子。故事讲述了一个877045的经历 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045英联邦文学杂志莫华和莫图什研究-文章2019 Waliullah 被广泛收录的短篇小说“Ekti Tulsi Gacher Kahini”(1965 年),被翻译为“Tulsi 植物的故事”并收录在 Mapmaking: Partition Stories of Two Bengals (2003) 中,就是一个很好的例子。故事讲述了一个877045的经历 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877045英联邦文学杂志莫华和莫图什研究-文章2019