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South Africa
The Journal of Commonwealth Literature ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0021989419877069
Crystal Warren 1

2018 opened on a sad note, with the death of South Africa’s Poet Laureate Kearopetse Kgositsile in January. During the course of the year, we also lost novelists Peter Temple and Rose Zwi. In September, at the annual South African Literary Awards Mongane Wally Serote was announced as the new Poet Laureate. Kelwyn Sole received the Poetry Award for his 2017 collection Walking, Falling and Jeff Opland and Peter Mtuze won the Literary Translators Award for translating the collected poems of John Solilo. No collected poems were published in 2018; however, Finuala Dowling’s Pretend You Don’t Know Me brings together a selection of poems from her previous four collections. Gabeba Baderoon won the Elizabeth Eybers Prize for Poetry for her highly praised fourth collection, The History of Intimacy. Kyle Allan was appointed editor of New Coin poetry magazine and had his second collection The Space between Us published. A new feminist publisher, Impepho Press, appeared, with collections by Vangile Gantsho, Sarah Godsell and Danai Mupotso. Impressive debut collections came from Saaleha Idrees Bamjee, Jessica Denyschen, Busisiwe Mahlangu, Stuart Payne, Megan Ross, Henk Rossouw and Annette Snyckers. Karen Jennings, who has previously published fiction and memoir, has now produced a fine poetry collection. She is not the only poet to cross genres. John Eppel has two books listed this year, poetry and short stories, while Flow Wellington includes poems and stories in her collection. Several strong collections appeared from established poets Jim Pascual Agustin, P. R. Anderson, Christine Muller Coates, C. J. Driver, Kerry Hammerton, Maakomela Manaka, Maishe Maponya, Stephen Symons and Tony Ullyat. Although Mark Swift died in 2013, his brother, Adam Swift, has brought out a final collection of his poems, appropriately titled Unfinished Business. Agustin and Eppel highlight one of the challenges of compiling a bibliography such as this — determining what makes someone a South African writer. Eppel was born and raised in South Africa but now lives in Zimbabwe, while Agustin is from the Phillipines, where the book was published, but has been living in South Africa since 1994. When in doubt I have erred on the side of inclusion. 877069 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877069The Journal of Commonwealth LiteratureWarren research-article2019



2018 年的开局令人悲伤,1 月南非桂冠诗人 Kearopetse Kgositsile 去世。在这一年中,我们还失去了小说家 Peter Temple 和 Rose Zwi。9 月,在一年一度的南非文学奖上,蒙甘·沃利·塞洛特 (Mongane Wally Serote) 被宣布为新的桂冠诗人。Kelwyn Sole 因其 2017 年的作品集《行走、坠落》而获得诗歌奖,杰夫·奥普兰 (Jeff Opland) 和彼得·姆图兹 (Peter Mtuze) 因翻译约翰·索利洛 (John Solilo) 的诗集而获得文学翻译奖。2018年无诗集出版;然而,Finuala Dowling 的《假装你不认识我》汇集了她前四部诗集中的精选诗集。加贝巴·巴德龙 (Gabeba Baderoon) 因其备受赞誉的第四部作品《亲密历史》(The History of Intimacy) 获得了伊丽莎白·艾伯斯 (Elizabeth Eybers) 诗歌奖。凯尔艾伦被任命为新硬币诗歌杂志的编辑,并出版了他的第二部作品《我们之间的空间》。新的女权主义出版商 Impepho Press 出现了,其中包括 Vangile Gantsho、Sarah Godsell 和 Danai Mupotso 的收藏。令人印象深刻的首秀系列来自 Saaleha Idrees Bamjee、Jessica Denyschen、Busisiwe Mahlangu、Stuart Payne、Megan Ross、Henk Rossouw 和 Annette Snyckers。以前出版过小说和回忆录的凯伦詹宁斯现在已经出版了一本精美的诗集。她不是唯一一个跨越体裁的诗人。John Eppel 今年列出了两本书,诗歌和短篇小说,而 Flow Wellington 在她的收藏中包括诗歌和故事。著名诗人吉姆·帕斯夸尔·奥古斯丁、PR 安德森、克里斯汀·穆勒·科茨、CJ 司机、凯瑞·哈默顿、Maakomela Manaka、Maishe Maponya、Stephen Symons 和 Tony Ullyat。尽管马克·斯威夫特于 2013 年去世,但他的兄弟亚当·斯威夫特出版了他的最终诗集,名为“未完成的事业”。Agustin 和 Eppel 强调了编写这样的参考书目的挑战之一——确定是什么让某人成为南非作家。Eppel 在南非出生和长大,但现在住在津巴布韦,而 Agustin 来自菲律宾,这本书的出版地,但自 1994 年以来一直住在南非。如果有疑问,我在包容方面犯了错误。877069 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877069英联邦文学杂志沃伦研究-文章2019 推出了他的诗集的最终集,恰当地命名为未完成的事业。Agustin 和 Eppel 强调了编写这样的参考书目的挑战之一——确定是什么让某人成为南非作家。Eppel 在南非出生和长大,但现在住在津巴布韦,而 Agustin 来自菲律宾,这本书的出版地,但自 1994 年以来一直住在南非。如果有疑问,我在包容方面犯了错误。877069 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877069英联邦文学杂志沃伦研究-文章2019 推出了他的诗集的最终集,恰当地命名为未完成的事业。Agustin 和 Eppel 强调了编写这样的参考书目的挑战之一——确定是什么让某人成为南非作家。Eppel 在南非出生和长大,但现在住在津巴布韦,而 Agustin 来自菲律宾,这本书的出版地,但自 1994 年以来一直住在南非。如果有疑问,我在包容方面犯了错误。877069 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877069英联邦文学杂志沃伦研究-文章2019 而奥古斯丁来自菲律宾,这本书就是在那里出版的,但自 1994 年以来一直住在南非。如果有疑问,我在包容方面犯了错误。877069 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877069英联邦文学杂志沃伦研究-文章2019 而奥古斯丁来自菲律宾,这本书就是在那里出版的,但自 1994 年以来一直住在南非。如果有疑问,我在包容方面犯了错误。877069 JCL0010.1177/0021989419877069英联邦文学杂志沃伦研究-文章2019