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Social Policy Under Sociopolitical Changes in the Post-revolutionary Iran, 1979–2013
Contemporary Review of the Middle East ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-06 , DOI: 10.1177/2347798918812264
Kamran Rabiei 1

Abstract The dialectic relation between sociocultural changes and political developments in the post-revolutionary Iran is discussed in the article which shows how the social policy of the governments has changed under this relation. The 1979 Islamic Revolution brought about a wave of tendency toward a specific discourse that can be called “downtrodden discourse” wherein the poor and deprived are the center of attention, and the resources of society are mainly mobilized in the direction of improving their economic and social conditions. Furthermore, the eight-year Iran–Iraq War (1980—1988) strengthened this discourse, and the new political system relied on the lower class of the society to push the war forward, stabilize the foundations of its power, and solidify its ideology. After the war, Iran had three governments with three different approaches toward social policy. During the era of Hashemi Rafsanjani (1989–1997), no special attention was paid to social policy since economic growth and development was the focus of the government activity. Under Mohammed Khatami (1997–2005), special attention was paid to comprehensive social policy, but due to internal political and social tensions, his government failed to implement its codified social policy. Although Ahmadinejad (2005–2013) intended to pay special attention to social policy, the actions taken by his government not only failed to reduce poverty but they also pushed the significant part of the middle class below the poverty line.



摘要 本文讨论了革命后伊朗社会文化变迁与政治发展之间的辩证关系,展示了在这种关系下政府的社会政策发生了怎样的变化。1979 年的伊斯兰革命带来了一种特定话语的浪潮,可以称为“受压迫话语”,其中穷人和被剥夺者是关注的中心,社会资源主要被调动到改善他们的经济和社会的方向上。使适应。再者,长达八年的两伊战争(1980—1988)强化了这种话语,新的政治体制依靠社会下层阶级来推动战争,稳定其权力基础,巩固其意识形态。战争结束后,伊朗有三个政府,对社会政策采取三种不同的方法。在哈希米·拉夫桑贾尼 (Hashemi Rafsanjani) 时代 (1989-1997),由于经济增长和发展是政府活动的重点,因此没有特别关注社会政策。穆罕默德·哈塔米(Mohammed Khatami,1997-2005)特别关注综合社会政策,但由于内部政治和社会紧张局势,他的政府未能实施其成文的社会政策。尽管艾哈迈迪内贾德 (2005-2013) 打算特别关注社会政策,但其政府采取的行动不仅未能减少贫困,而且还将很大一部分中产阶级推到了贫困线以下。没有特别关注社会政策,因为经济增长和发展是政府活动的重点。穆罕默德·哈塔米(Mohammed Khatami,1997-2005)特别关注综合社会政策,但由于内部政治和社会紧张局势,他的政府未能实施其成文的社会政策。尽管艾哈迈迪内贾德 (2005-2013) 打算特别关注社会政策,但其政府采取的行动不仅未能减少贫困,而且还将很大一部分中产阶级推到了贫困线以下。没有特别关注社会政策,因为经济增长和发展是政府活动的重点。穆罕默德·哈塔米(Mohammed Khatami,1997-2005)特别关注综合社会政策,但由于内部政治和社会紧张局势,他的政府未能实施其成文的社会政策。尽管艾哈迈迪内贾德 (2005-2013) 打算特别关注社会政策,但其政府采取的行动不仅未能减少贫困,而且还将很大一部分中产阶级推到了贫困线以下。