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Exploring Takfir, Its Origins and Contemporary Use: The Case of Takfiri Approach in Daesh’s Media
Contemporary Review of the Middle East ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1177/2347798920921706
Jamileh Kadivar 1

Muslims have been the primary targets of Daesh’s attacks since 2014 in different countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. These attacks were based on its takfiri ideology. As Daesh official media and documents indicate, kufr (unbelief, infidelity) in Daesh’s approach is not limited to non-Muslims (original disbelievers), but Muslims are the most significant parts of kuffar (unbelievers) in its view and defined as incidental disbelievers. Through studying Daesh’s official documents and various Arabic, English, and Persian media productions, in an explanatory research, this article attempts to display Daesh’s takfiri approach toward Muslims and explains its historical and ideological roots, difference with Al-Qaeda’s takfiri approach, different approaches to takfir inside Daesh, main targets of Daesh’s takfir, and the reasons behinds its takfiri view. This article displays that for Daesh, the Muslims are limited only to Sunni Muslims who are accepting and following its approach. Other Sunni and non-Sunni Muslims are thus kuffar. This study also shows that the assertion of takfir has become a method for Daesh to discredit its opponents, such as Shi’a Muslims and other Muslim groups.


探索 Takfir、它的起源和当代使用:Daesh 媒体中的 Takfiri 方法案例

自 2014 年以来,穆斯林一直是伊斯兰国在阿富汗、伊拉克和叙利亚等不同国家发动袭击的主要目标。这些攻击基于其 takfiri 意识形态。正如Daesh官方媒体和文件所表明的,Daesh方法中的kufr(不信,不忠)不仅限于非穆斯林(原始不信者),在其看来,穆斯林是kuffar(不信者)中最重要的部分,并被定义为偶然的不信者。本文通过研究伊斯兰国的官方文件和各种阿拉伯、英语和波斯语媒体作品,在解释性研究中,试图展示伊斯兰国对穆斯林的塔克菲里方式,并解释其历史和意识形态根源,与基地组织的塔克菲里方式的区别,不同的方式来对待穆斯林。达伊沙内部的 takfir,达伊沙 takfir 的主要目标,以及其 takfiri 观点背后的原因。这篇文章表明,对于达伊沙来说,穆斯林仅限于接受并遵循其做法的逊尼派穆斯林。其他逊尼派和非逊尼派穆斯林因此成为库法尔。这项研究还表明,断言 takfir 已成为达伊沙诋毁其反对者,如什叶派穆斯林和其他穆斯林团体的一种方法。