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Mixed Messages: Iran versus Saudi Arabia and GCC
Contemporary Review of the Middle East ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-24 , DOI: 10.1177/2347798918795937
Debbie Abuelghanam 1 , Naser Tahboub 1

Abstract Much has been written about the relationship between Iran and the Gulf states. This relationship, while extremely complex, historic as well as deep rooted, needs to be revisited, especially in the light of the growing discords. This article investigates the contest over the balance of power in the Middle East which is impacted by state interests, foreign policy, ideology, sectarianism, and geography. There are three questions that need to be asked: (a) What role does Iran play in the Gulf region? (b) What is its relationship with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)? and (c) Is there room for the two regional powers (Iran and Saudi Arabia) in the Gulf region? Iran’s role in the Middle East has expanded exponentially by both diplomatic means as well as by proxy and direct interventions. It has become apparent that while once Saudi Arabia controlled the GCC, due to recent events, the regional group has become trivialized. As Saudi Arabia and Iran vie for power, the Gulf is tension-filled and fraught with the possibility of misperceptions and miscalculations.



摘要 关于伊朗与海湾国家之间的关系已经有很多文章。这种关系虽然极其复杂、具有历史意义且根深蒂固,但需要重新审视,尤其是考虑到日益增长的不和。本文调查了受国家利益、外交政策、意识形态、宗派主义和地理影响的中东权力平衡之争。需要问三个问题: (a) 伊朗在海湾地区扮演什么角色?(b) 它与海湾合作委员会(GCC)的关系是什么?(c) 两个地区大国(伊朗和沙特阿拉伯)在海湾地区是否有空间?通过外交手段以及代理和直接干预,伊朗在中东的作用呈指数级增长。很明显,虽然沙特阿拉伯控制了海湾合作委员会,但由于最近发生的事件,该地区集团已经变得无足轻重。随着沙特阿拉伯和伊朗争夺权力,海湾地区充满了紧张局势,充满了误解和误判的可能性。