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Hungary: a lesson in media control
British Journalism Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1177/0956474820910071
Scott Griffen

Press freedom is under intense pressure around the globe. Ninety journalists are currently behind bars in Turkey, down from a high of 130 last year. At least nine journalists were murdered in Mexico in 2019 alone. Governments from The Philippines to Australia to Uganda are ratcheting up legal pressure on the press through politicised prosecutions and raids on media houses. The goal of those who attack the press is invariably the same: to prevent the public from accessing critical news and information. But the methods employed in such efforts can differ greatly – and regularly evolve. More than any other country, it is Hungary that best exemplifies the shifting nature of the assault on media freedom. Visit Hungary today and you won’t find journalists in jail. You won’t hear stories of journalists dragged to court on charges designed to intimidate and silence them. Physical violence against the press is virtually unheard of. You’ll even find – if you know where to look – news coverage critical of prime minister Viktor Orbán and his allies. And yet a press freedom mission to Hungary in November 2019, led by the Vienna-based International Press Institute (IPI) in cooperation with six other journalism groups, concluded that, since 2010, the Hungarian government has systematically dismantled media freedom, pluralism and independence, “achieving a degree of information control unprecedented in an EU member state”. How is this apparent contradiction possible? The answer, as our report noted, is that the Hungarian system was “deliberately designed to deter scrutiny”. Assiduously avoiding the violence, jailing or legal harassment



新闻自由在全球面临巨大压力。土耳其目前有 90 名记者被关押,低于去年的 130 名。仅在 2019 年,至少有 9 名记者在墨西哥被谋杀。从菲律宾到澳大利亚再到乌干达,各国政府正在通过政治化的起诉和对媒体机构的突袭,加大对新闻界的法律压力。攻击媒体的人的目标总是相同的:阻止公众访问重要的新闻和信息。但是在这些努力中使用的方法可能会有很大不同——并且会定期发展。与其他任何国家相比,匈牙利最能体现对媒体自由的攻击性质的转变。今天访问匈牙利,你不会在监狱里找到记者。你不会听到记者因旨在恐吓和压制他们的指控而被拖上法庭的故事。针对媒体的身体暴力几乎闻所未闻。你甚至会发现——如果你知道去哪里看——批评总理维克多·奥尔班及其盟友的新闻报道。然而,2019 年 11 月由总部位于维也纳的国际新闻研究所 (IPI) 与其他六个新闻团体合作领导的匈牙利新闻自由代表团得出结论,自 2010 年以来,匈牙利政府系统地废除了媒体自由、多元化和独立,“实现了欧盟成员国前所未有的信息控制程度”。这种明显的矛盾怎么可能呢?正如我们的报告所指出的,答案是匈牙利的制度是“故意设计来阻止审查的”。刻意避免暴力,