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Tall pyramids of pure piffle
British Journalism Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0956474820956552
Sonia Purnell

From the Document: Many businesses across all sectors are experiencing disruption and incurring losses from the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic The pandemic has stirred a debate among insurers, policyholders, and other stakeholders about who will be responsible for the losses that companies face from widespread shutdowns This Insight will focus on efforts at the federal level to address business interruption (BI) insurance coverage for COVID-related shutdown losses Insurance is primarily regulated at the state level, and there are efforts in a number of states providing for coverage of BI claims on a retrospective basis, which are addressed in CRS [Congressional Research Service] Insight IN11382, 'Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19: State Legislative Initiatives 'COVID-19 (Disease);Business insurance


纯 piffle 的高金字塔

来自文件:各行各业的许多企业都因 2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行而遭受破坏并蒙受损失大流行在保险公司、保单持有人和其他利益相关者之间引发了一场关于谁将对公司的损失负责面临大范围停工 此见解将侧重于联邦层面的努力,以解决与 COVID 相关的停工损失的业务中断 (BI) 保险范围 保险主要在州一级进行监管,并且许多州都在努力提供保险BI 索赔的追溯性,在 CRS [Congressional Research Service] Insight IN11382,“商业中断保险和 COVID-19:州立法倡议”COVID-19(疾病);商业保险