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Time for a cover-up
British Journalism Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0956474816652808
Brian Winston 1

The most boring headline imaginable according, supposedly, to Claud Cockburn, is: “Small earthquake in Chile, not many dead.” I want to suggest an update: “Futile jihadi attack in (insert); not many dead.” For, not to be too Swiftian about this and with all due honour to those who have perished and with deepest of condolences to those who knew and loved them, not many dead is what we have. Since January of last year in Europe there have been, depending how you count, between five and 10 attacks identified as Islamist. The tolls have been 206 murdered and 728 injured (including Paris −37 dead – and Brussels, 35). And you can also number of course, the 224 Russians blown up over Sinai. But that will only get up to the same level as two weeks' slaughter on Europe's roads − 25,000 fatal accidents last year and 1.5million injured to one degree or another of severity. Clearly losing people to violence at this scale all at once is a different matter from accidents and the other hazards of life. But a reign of terror this is not. What we have now is a series of blood-soaked localised riots and freelance, one-off killings by psychopaths with their god on their side. If I were an Isis military emir, I would be telling the lads they needed to try harder. As a threat designed to sap our will, these attacks are a species of awful, horrific, joke. But in one regard the attacks have been a triumph. Isis's PR emir should be demanding a pay rise, trumpeting his organisation's AVE – advertising value equivalent: how much it would have cost to buy the space these obscenely destructive holy temper tantrums have filled. Because it is only space in our media that is being conquered. And that invasion could be contained on a dime: “Futile attack; not many dead.”



据推测,据克劳德·科克本 (Claud Cockburn) 所说,可以想象的最无聊的标题是:“智利发生小地震,死者不多。” 我想建议一个更新:“徒劳的圣战攻击(插入);死的不多。” 因为,不要在这件事上过于斯威夫特,向那些死去的人致以应有的荣誉,并向那些认识和爱他们的人表示最深切的哀悼,我们所拥有的死者并不多。自去年 1 月以来,欧洲发生了 5 到 10 起被认定为伊斯兰主义的袭击事件,这取决于你如何计算。死亡人数为 206 人,728 人受伤(包括巴黎 - 37 人死亡 - 布鲁塞尔,35 人)。当然,您也可以计算在西奈上空炸毁的 224 名俄罗斯人。但这只会达到与欧洲道路上两周大屠杀相同的水平——去年发生了 25,000 起致命事故,还有 1 起。500 万人受到不同程度的严重伤害。显然,在这种规模的暴力中一下子让人们丧生,这与事故和其他生活危害不同。但是,这不是恐怖统治。我们现在所拥有的是一系列血淋淋的局部骚乱和自由职业者,精神病患者在他们的神站在他们一边的情况下进行一次性杀戮。如果我是 Isis 军事埃米尔,我会告诉小伙子们他们需要更加努力。作为旨在削弱我们意志的威胁,这些攻击是一种可怕的、可怕的笑话。但在一方面,这些袭击是一场胜利。伊希斯的公关埃米尔应该要求加薪,大肆宣扬他的组织的 AVE——广告价值等价:购买这些淫秽的破坏性圣洁脾气所占据的空间需要多少钱。因为只有我们媒体中的空间被征服了。这种入侵可以在一角钱中得到控制:“徒劳的攻击;死的不多。”