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James David Nichols, The Limits of Liberty: Mobility and the Making of the Eastern U.S.-Mexico Border
The Journal of Transport History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0022526619889314
Mike Bess

also to frame these within broader ideas of Fordism and the impulses of an industrialising modern state. This is a potentially useful construct to work through the decades of British Columbia’s modernisation and development, but unless readers are already familiar with critiques of twentieth-century economic development, Bradley’s frequent references to Fordism may be a minor source of confusion as the term itself is not defined until the book’s final chapter. Throughout the book, Bradley’s writing is engaging and clear, however, and there is a surprising poignancy to some of the histories he presents. The initial missed opportunities and later manipulations to (re)establish historic towns of Barkerville and Fort Steele point to the ongoing tensions between commemoration and commercialisation. The flooding of the Big Bend Highway, the elimination of most of the sprawling Hamber Park, and the terminal clear-cutting of doomed forests-turned-reservoirs make evident that British Columbia by the Road is not a narrow academic tale, but rather an important accounting of how we have managed – or mis-managed – our relationships with history and the environment, even in some of North America’s more remote landscapes. Bradley takes us to these remote towns and wilderness highways and challenges us to think about roads not only for what they do for us as travellers, but for what they have done to shape who we are and how we continue to inhabit or visit the places we hold dear.


James David Nichols,自由的极限:流动性和美墨东部边界的形成

还要在更广泛的福特主义思想和现代工业化国家的冲动中构建这些框架。这是一个在不列颠哥伦比亚省几十年的现代化和发展过程中可能有用的结构,但除非读者已经熟悉对 20 世纪经济发展的批评,否则布拉德利频繁提到福特主义可能是一个次要的混淆源,因为该术语本身就是直到本书的最后一章才定义。然而,在整本书中,布拉德利的写作引人入胜且清晰,而且他所呈现的一些历史令人惊讶地辛酸。最初错失的机会和后来(重新)建立巴克维尔和斯蒂尔堡历史城镇的操纵表明纪念活动和商业化之间持续存在紧张关系。大弯公路的洪水泛滥,大部分庞大的汉伯公园的消除,以及注定要毁坏的森林变成水库的最终砍伐表明,不列颠哥伦比亚省不是一个狭隘的学术故事,而是对我们如何管理的一个重要说明——或者管理不善——我们与历史和环境的关系,即使在北美一些更偏远的地方。布拉德利带我们到这些偏远的城镇和荒野高速公路,并挑战我们去思考道路,不仅因为它们为我们作为旅行者做了什么,而且它们为塑造我们是谁以及我们如何继续居住或访问我们的地方做了什么亲爱的。而是我们如何管理或错误管理我们与历史和环境的关系的重要说明,即使是在北美一些更偏远的地区。布拉德利带我们到这些偏远的城镇和荒野高速公路,并挑战我们去思考道路,不仅因为它们为我们作为旅行者做了什么,而且它们为塑造我们是谁以及我们如何继续居住或访问我们的地方做了什么亲爱的。而是对我们如何管理或错误管理我们与历史和环境的关系的重要说明,即使是在北美一些更偏远的地区。布拉德利带我们到这些偏远的城镇和荒野高速公路,并挑战我们去思考道路,不仅因为它们为我们作为旅行者做了什么,而且它们为塑造我们是谁以及我们如何继续居住或访问我们的地方做了什么亲爱的。