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‘War Cry’ or War Atrocity? A Note on Sinuhe B 140
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0307513319826863
Scott Morschauser 1

Virtually all translators render wd.n=i išnn ḥr i3t=f in Sinuhe B 140 as ‘I raised a/my war/victory cry (išnn) over the back’ of the nḫtw of Retenu. The author argues instead that išnn is an imperfective participial form derived from the verb šni, ‘to conspire/curse’, with the verbal noun being a term of execration applied to the rebellious nḫtw. Sinuhe’s action of ‘putting’ (wdi) the condemned conspirator (išnn) ‘on his back’ points to the victor’s display of his disgraced opponent’s corpse.


“战争呐喊”还是战争暴行?关于 Sinuhe B 140 的说明

几乎所有的译者都在 Sinuhe B 140 中将 wd.n=i išnn ḥr i3t=f 渲染为“我在 Retenu 的 nḫtw 的背面提出了/我的战争/胜利的呐喊 (išnn)”。相反,作者认为 išnn 是一种源自动词 šni 的未完成分词形式,意为“阴谋/诅咒”,其中的动词名词是一个用于表示叛逆的 nḫtw 的咒骂词。Sinuhe 将被定罪的同谋 (išnn)“放在”(wdi)“背上”的动作表明胜利者展示了他丢脸的对手的尸体。