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From Individuals to Systems to Social Constructions: On Paradigm Shifts in Counseling Theory: An Interview With Robert Rocco Cottone
The Family Journal ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1066480720916570
Stephen Southern

R. Rocco Cottone has made major contributions to the counseling profession, from his beginnings in rehabilitation counseling continuing through his work in marriage and family counseling. His work also has implications for counselor education. Cottone is professor of Counseling and Family Therapy and previously served as Coordinator of Doctoral Training in the Department of Education Sciences and Professional Programs at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is a licensed professional counselor in Missouri and a licensed psychologist in Missouri and Arizona. He is a certified family therapist. He is married and has five children. Cottone was born and raised in St. Louis Missouri, received his PhD from St. Louis University in 1980, and spent much of his career in Missouri, serving as a psychologist, rehabilitation counselor, couples and family therapist, and professor. Rocco, who is called Rock by his friends, teaches courses in counseling theories, systems theory, couple and family counseling, and ethical and professional issues. He is well-known for years of work as an ethicist; he served on professional codes of ethics re-write committees, including those for the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA). He published a textbook, Ethics and Decision-Making in Counseling and Psychotherapy (Cottone & Tarvydas, 2016), that has been used in several editions for over 20 years as a reference and in counselor education. In ethics, Rock is best known for his leadership in defining the need for clear guidelines to replace the “dual relationships” standard in the older codes of ethics. He argued for the need to focus on harm and detriment in such standards, which by contrast allowed for some limited “potentially beneficial” interactions outside of the formal counseling relationship (e.g., a marriage counselor attending a marriage vows renewal ceremony at the request of a client couple). He also advocated for replacement of the ethical principle of autonomy with “accordance,” a construct from the relational paradigm (Cottone, 2014). He argued that “autonomy” implies no weighing of input from others, which he held to be unlike the observed process clients undertake when they seek consultation and agreement among their service providers and significant others during the decision process. Most recently, his professional efforts explored meanings and values associated with theories of counseling and psychotherapy (Cottone, 2012, 2017b) His published works and presentations advocated expanding individual theories and paradigms to include a relational perspective. In recent years, Cottone (2012, 2017a) has been involved in an effective advocacy of radical social constructivism (RSC) as an emerging paradigm in counseling. He was resolute in defending the position of RSC as social philosophy against a critique by North (Cottone & Tarvydas, 2016, p. 114) who presented the movement as a “millennial mistake,” which North argued introduces theoretical incoherence and ethical conflicts in professional counseling. RSC downplays the psychology of the individual and holds to the postmodern primacy of relationships (Cottone, 2017a, p. 465). Rock chronicled the evolutionary process of paradigm shifts in counseling from the “psychology of the individual” through systems theory to social constructivism (Cottone, 2012, 2013). In his view, counseling theory has matured sufficiently to embrace relational models, values, and practices. One of the purposes of the following interview was to explore Cottone’s views on social constructivism as a paradigm for the profession. Rock noted that theoreticians “ . . . are lucky to be alive at this stage in counseling’s development” (Cottone, 2013, p. 57). R. Rocco Cottone has produced over 80 publications, including books, chapters, and refereed articles. In 2011, International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors recognized him at the annual conference with the research award for sustained contributions to the literature. He has conducted many workshops, courses, and conference presentations. Recently, he was interviewed under the title “Reality is relationships: An intro to radical social constructivism,” in “The Theory of Change podcast” (Palacios, 2019–present). Although his publications speak volumes, Rock consented to this interview so we can explore the intersection of his life and work. Our interactions began early in 2019 and continued with some email exchanges and a literature review on my part. The process was disrupted by my transition to a new position. We interacted through email, and Rock provided some diagrams that clarify his views. The concluding interview occurred in December 2019.



R. Rocco Cottone 为咨询行业做出了重大贡献,从他开始从事康复咨询一直到他在婚姻和家庭咨询方面的工作。他的工作对辅导员教育也有影响。Cottone 是咨询和家庭治疗学教授,曾担任密苏里大学圣路易斯分校教育科学和专业项目系博士培训协调员。路易斯。他是密苏里州的持牌专业顾问,以及密苏里州和亚利桑那州的持牌心理学家。他是经过认证的家庭治疗师。他已婚,有五个孩子。Cottone 在密苏里州圣路易斯出生和长大,1980 年获得圣路易斯大学博士学位,职业生涯大部分时间在密苏里州度过,先后担任心理学家、康复顾问、夫妻和家庭治疗师,教授。Rocco 被他的朋友们称为 Rock,教授咨询理论、系统理论、夫妻和家庭咨询以及道德和专业问题等课程。他以多年从事伦理学家的工作而闻名。他曾在职业道德规范重写委员会任职,包括美国咨询协会 (ACA) 和美国康复咨询协会 (ARCA) 的委员会。他出版了一本教科书《咨询和心理治疗中的伦理与决策》(Cottone & Tarvydas,2016 年),20 多年来,该教科书已在多个版本中用作参考和辅导员教育。在道德方面,洛克最出名的是他在定义明确的指导方针以取代旧道德准则中的“双重关系”标准方面的领导作用。他认为需要在这些标准中关注伤害和损害,相比之下,这允许在正式咨询关系之外进行一些有限的“潜在有益”互动(例如,婚姻顾问应一个人的要求参加婚姻誓言更新仪式)。客户夫妇)。他还主张用“依从”取代自治的伦理原则,这是关系范式的一种结构(Cottone,2014)。他认为“自主”意味着不权衡其他人的意见,他认为这与客户在决策过程中寻求服务提供商和重要他人之间的协商和协议时所观察到的过程不同。最近,他的专业努力探索了与咨询和心理治疗理论相关的意义和价值(Cottone,2012,2017b) 他发表的作品和演讲主张扩展个人理论和范式,以包括关系视角。近年来,Cottone (2012, 2017a) 积极倡导激进社会建构主义 (RSC) 作为新兴的咨询范式。他坚决捍卫 RSC 作为社会哲学的立场,反对 North(Cottone 和 Tarvydas,2016 年,第 114 页)的批评,后者将该运动描述为“千年错误”,North 认为这在专业领域引入了理论不一致和伦理冲突。辅导。RSC 淡化了个人的心理,并坚持后现代关系的首要地位(Cottone,2017a,第 465 页)。Rock 记录了咨询范式从“个人心理学”到系统理论再到社会建构主义的演变过程(Cottone,2012 年,2013 年)。在他看来,咨询理论已经足够成熟,可以包含关系模型、价值观和实践。以下采访的目的之一是探讨 Cottone 将社会建构主义作为该职业范式的观点。洛克指出,理论家“。. . 幸运的是,在咨询发展的这个阶段还活着”(Cottone,2013 年,第 57 页)。R. Rocco Cottone 出版了 80 多种出版物,包括书籍、章节和参考文章。2011年,国际婚姻与家庭咨询师协会在年会上表彰他对文学的持续贡献研究奖。他主持了许多讲习班、课程和会议报告。最近,他在“变革理论播客”(Palacios,2019 年至今)中以“现实就是关系:激进社会建构主义介绍”为题接受了采访。尽管他的出版物很有说服力,但洛克同意接受这次采访,以便我们可以探索他生活和工作的交集。我们的互动始于 2019 年初,并继续进行了一些电子邮件交流和我的文献综述。这个过程因我向新职位的过渡而中断。我们通过电子邮件进行了互动,Rock 提供了一些图表来阐明他的观点。最后的采访发生在 2019 年 12 月。”中的“变革理论播客”(Palacios,2019 年至今)。尽管他的出版物很有说服力,但洛克同意接受这次采访,以便我们探索他生活和工作的交集。我们的互动始于 2019 年初,并继续进行了一些电子邮件交流和我的文献综述。这个过程因我向新职位的过渡而中断。我们通过电子邮件进行了互动,Rock 提供了一些图表来阐明他的观点。最后的采访发生在 2019 年 12 月。”中的“变革理论播客”(Palacios,2019 年至今)。尽管他的出版物很有说服力,但洛克同意接受这次采访,以便我们可以探索他生活和工作的交集。我们的互动始于 2019 年初,并继续进行了一些电子邮件交流和我的文献综述。这个过程因我向新职位的过渡而中断。我们通过电子邮件进行了互动,Rock 提供了一些图表来阐明他的观点。最后的采访发生在 2019 年 12 月。这个过程因我向新职位的过渡而中断。我们通过电子邮件进行了互动,Rock 提供了一些图表来阐明他的观点。最后的采访发生在 2019 年 12 月。这个过程因我向新职位的过渡而中断。我们通过电子邮件进行了互动,Rock 提供了一些图表来阐明他的观点。最后的采访发生在 2019 年 12 月。