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Iran and Rabindranath Tagore: Information from files of the national archives of Iran
Studies in People's History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-16 , DOI: 10.1177/2348448919834792
Elham Malekzadeh

During the process of Iran’s modernisation, there arose much interest in modern literature outside Iran. As Rabindranath Tagore had acquired a worldwide reputation, it was inevitable that intellectuals in Iran should also be drawn towards his writings. Tagore visited Iran twice at the invitation of Reza Shah’s government (1932 and 1934). Subsequently, when India became independent and Iran wished to cement ties with India, there were ambitious plans to celebrate Tagore birth centenary, 1961–2. A severe political crisis breaking out in Iran at that time, however, led to a practical cancellation of the celebrations. The entire story of Tagore’s two visits to Iran and the abortive birth centenary celebration are reconstructed from documents in Iran’s National Archives.



在伊朗现代化进程中,人们对伊朗以外的现代文学产生了浓厚的兴趣。泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore)在世界范围内享有盛誉,因此不可避免的是,伊朗的知识分子也应该受到他的著作的吸引。泰戈尔是在礼萨沙瓦(Reza Shah)政府的邀请下两次访问伊朗的(1932和1934)。随后,当印度独立并希望与印度建立联系时,便制定了雄心勃勃的计划来庆祝泰戈尔诞辰一百周年(1961-2年)。但是,当时伊朗爆发了严重的政治危机,导致庆祝活动实际上取消了。泰戈尔两次访问伊朗和堕胎诞辰一百周年庆典的全部故事都是从伊朗国家档案馆的文件中重建的。