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Nationalist representations of the Mughal state: The views of Tilak and Gandhi
Studies in People's History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-16 , DOI: 10.1177/2348448919834791
Farhat Hasan

The Mughal Empire as the major polity in India preceding the colonial regime was seen by British historians as a Muslim regime, imposed over a Hindu majority, and this fitted into their picture of two irreconcilable religious camps, existing within India, whose mutual conflict was kept at bay only because of the intervention of the colonial power. Tilak accepted this picture and saw Shivaji as the leader of Hindu resistance against foreign, Muslim domination. His early views were, however, modified in later years when he realised that overtures should be made to Muslims in order to strengthen the national struggle. The tag of ‘foreign’ was removed from the Mughals. It was argued that because Akbar’s successors no longer followed his enlightened policy, Shivaji rose against the Mughals and so must be treated as a national hero. On the other hand, Gandhi from his South Africa days was not prepared to denounce Muslim rulers, including the Mughals, as foreigners or as evil. While not prepared to concede to any religion’s superiority over another, he was critical of what he thought to be Akbar’s attempt to unite all religions into one. On the other hand, he praised Mughal rulers for their tolerance and even defended Aurangzeb though on the basis only of what Mohammad Ali, for long his political associate, told him! Unlike Jawaharlal Nehru, Gandhi did not explicitly extol composite culture possibly because while he wished that all religions tolerate each other, he did not want them to get mixed up.



莫卧儿帝国是殖民政权之前印度的主要政体,英国历史学家将其视为穆斯林政权,强加给印度教徒占多数,这符合他们对印度境内存在的两个不可调和的宗教营地的描绘,他们的相互冲突得以保留。在海湾地区仅仅是因为殖民势力的干预。蒂拉克接受了这张照片,并将希瓦吉视为印度教抵抗外国穆斯林统治的领导者。但是,当他意识到应该对穆斯林提出建议以加强民族斗争时,他的早期观点在后来的几年中有所改变。“外国”的标签已从穆加尔人身上删除。有人争辩说,由于阿克巴的继任者不再遵循他的开明的政策,希瓦吉反对穆加尔人起来,因此必须被视为民族英雄。另一方面,甘地自南非时代起就不准备谴责穆斯林统治者,包括穆加尔,将其视为外国人或邪恶分子。尽管他不准备承认任何一种宗教对另一种宗教的优越性,但他批评自己认为是阿克巴试图将所有宗教统一为一种宗教的尝试。另一方面,他称赞莫卧儿统治者的宽容甚至捍卫了奥兰则布,尽管这仅是基于穆罕默德·阿里(他的长期政治同伙)告诉他的!与贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)不同,甘地没有明确赞扬复合文化,可能是因为他希望所有宗教相互容忍,但他不希望他们混为一谈。他对自己认为是阿克巴(Akbar)将所有宗教统一为一体的尝试持批评态度。另一方面,他称赞莫卧儿统治者的宽容甚至捍卫了奥兰则布,尽管这仅是基于穆罕默德·阿里(他的长期政治同伙)告诉他的!与贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)不同,甘地没有明确赞扬复合文化,可能是因为他希望所有宗教相互容忍,但他不希望他们混为一谈。他对自己认为是阿克巴(Akbar)将所有宗教统一为一体的尝试持批评态度。另一方面,他称赞莫卧儿统治者的宽容甚至捍卫了奥兰则布,尽管这仅是基于穆罕默德·阿里(他的长期政治同伙)告诉他的!与贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)不同,甘地没有明确赞扬复合文化,可能是因为他希望所有宗教相互容忍,但他不希望他们混为一谈。