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College Students’ Motivations to Attend Group Fitness Classes: An Exploratory Investigation
Recreational Sports Journal ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-01 , DOI: 10.1123/rsj.2015-0040
Shaun Boren 1

This study investigated college students' various motivations to select from a comprehensive range of group fitness class (GFC) offerings at a university. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant difference in motivations to exercise based on the GFC a participant was attending most often (primary GFC, p < .01). A post hoc test determined that Health Pressures was the only motivation subscale of 14 total subscales to significantly contribute to the main effect (p < .003). However, the findings suggested that primary GFC can explain variation in motivations to exercise. This result evidences applicability of the self-determination theory between smaller categories of physical activity than previously tested. Future research should replicate the study at larger, more diverse institutions to explore additional factors affecting motivations to exercise. Practitioners can use this study to inform the design and advertising of GFCs.



这项研究调查了大学生的各种动机,以便从大学的各种集体健身课(GFC)产品中进行选择。方差的多变量分析显示,根据参与者最常参加的GFC进行锻炼的动机存在显着差异(主要GFC,p <.01)。事后检验确定,“健康压力”是14个总子量表中唯一对主要作用有重大贡献的动机子量表(p <.003)。但是,研究结果表明,初级GFC可以解释运动动机的变化。该结果证明了自决理论在比先前测试的更小的体育活动类别之间的适用性。未来的研究应该在更大范围内重复研究,更加多样化的机构来探索影响锻炼动机的其他因素。从业人员可以利用这项研究为GFC的设计和广告提供信息。