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Sebastian Groes, British Fiction of the Sixties: The Making of the Swinging DecadeGroesSebastian, British Fiction of the Sixties: The Making of the Swinging Decade (Bloomsbury, 2016), pp. vi + 206, £60.00
Literature & History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0306197317706851s
Nick Bentley 1

ple, when she notes that free indirect discourse in Call for the Dead (1961) aligns the reader with Smiley rather than a Jewish character, Dieter, Lassner points out that ‘the rhetorical effect is to confirm the Jew’s liminal position in British spy fiction’ (p. 201), an insight that feels right in the context of this novel and gestures back to arguments made in earlier chapters. But she offers no passage from the novel in substantiation of her intriguing narratological insight. Instead, she provides a lengthy response from le Carré to charges of anti-Semitism: a curious displacement that rather mirrors the way le Carré himself filters the voices of his Jewish characters. To take as definitive le Carré’s own projections about his novels, particularly his 2014 ideas about spies and the uses of intelligence, which are clearly influenced by the lies that drew the UK and US into the Iraq War, is to indulge le Carré’s own intentional fallacy; it is also less convincing than Lassner’s own textual analysis. Lassner’s brief but superb Conclusion – only five pages – brings together the big picture arguments she has been weaving throughout. It is an excellent encapsulation of the volume’s key findings, as well as a convincing testimony to the importance of this sort of historically informed, politically engaged scholarship. While I can imagine scholars reading selectively, choosing one chapter or another for specific attention, the Conclusion shows how well the book works as a whole, and I would recommend it strongly.


塞巴斯蒂安·格罗斯 (Sebastian Groes),《六十年代的英国小说:摇摆十年的形成》GroesSebastian,《六十年代的英国小说:摇摆不定的十年》(Bloomsbury,2016 年),第 vi + 206 页,60.00 英镑

ple,当她注意到 Call for the Dead (1961) 中的自由间接话语使读者与 Smiley 而不是犹太人角色迪特保持一致时,Lassner 指出“修辞效果是确认犹太人在英国间谍小说中的界限位置” (p. 201),在这部小说的上下文中感觉正确的洞察力,并回溯到前几章中提出的论点。但她没有提供小说中的任何段落来证实她有趣的叙事学洞察力。相反,她提供了勒卡雷对反犹太主义指控的冗长回应:一种奇怪的置换,而是反映了勒卡雷本人过滤他的犹太角色声音的方式。将勒卡雷自己对他的小说的预测,尤其是他 2014 年关于间谍和情报使用的想法视为明确的,明显受到将英美拉入伊拉克战争的谎言影响,是放纵勒卡雷自己的故意谬论;它也没有拉斯纳自己的文本分析那么有说服力。拉斯纳简短但出色的结论——只有五页——汇集了她一直在编织的大局论点。它很好地概括了该卷的主要发现,并且令人信服地证明了这种具有历史知识、政治参与的学术研究的重要性。虽然我可以想象学者们有选择性地阅读,选择一章或另一章进行特别关注,但结论显示了这本书作为一个整体的运作情况,我强烈推荐它。它也没有拉斯纳自己的文本分析那么有说服力。拉斯纳简短但出色的结论——只有五页——汇集了她一直在编织的大局论点。它很好地概括了该卷的主要发现,并且令人信服地证明了这种具有历史知识、政治参与的学术研究的重要性。虽然我可以想象学者们有选择性地阅读,选择一章或另一章进行特别关注,但结论显示了这本书作为一个整体的运作情况,我强烈推荐它。它也没有拉斯纳自己的文本分析那么有说服力。拉斯纳简短但出色的结论——只有五页——汇集了她一直在编织的大局论点。它很好地概括了该卷的主要发现,并且令人信服地证明了这种具有历史知识、政治参与的学术研究的重要性。虽然我可以想象学者们有选择性地阅读,选择一章或另一章进行特别关注,但结论显示了这本书作为一个整体的运作情况,我强烈推荐它。并且令人信服地证明了这种具有历史知识、参与政治的学术研究的重要性。虽然我可以想象学者们有选择性地阅读,选择一章或另一章进行特别关注,但结论显示了这本书作为一个整体的运作情况,我强烈推荐它。并且令人信服地证明了这种具有历史知识、参与政治的学术研究的重要性。虽然我可以想象学者们有选择性地阅读,选择一章或另一章进行特别关注,但结论显示了这本书作为一个整体的运作情况,我强烈推荐它。