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From Islamic Renaissance to Neo-fascism in Turkey
Review of Middle East Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-18 , DOI: 10.1017/rms.2016.154
Firat Demir

The Neoliberal Landscape is a collection of nine essays exploring the economic, political, social, and historical dynamics behind the rise of Islamic political parties in the Middle East, particularly the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) in Turkey. For scholars studying Turkey and the wider Middle East, understanding the rise of the AKP as well as its internal and external undercurrents has been a challenge. On the one hand, its founding leaders marketed their party as a democratic Islamic party, similar to Christian Democrats in Europe, and claimed to focus their efforts on democratizing Turkey by limiting the military and Kemalist hegemony. To this end, they formed alliances with the liberals and the liberal-left as well as the outward oriented business groups, and used the support of the European Union and the United States as leverage to increase their legitimacy. The AKP's strong neoliberal stance in economic policy also allowed it to win over domestic and international capital to its side. The changing times in global politics were also in the AKP's favor, coinciding with the post-9/11 period when the United States and its allies were desperate to find a liberal and democratic Muslim country with a market economy that they could use as a showcase. The AKP project, however, proved to be short-lived as it has increasingly become authoritarian at home, bordering on neo-fascist, and confrontational abroad. In fact, many analysts have suggested that what Turkey is experiencing is nothing short of a regime change, moving the country from a secular republic, albeit a semi-democratic one, to a neo-fascist one-party state with some Islamic flavor, ruled by a strong-man with no pretense of democracy. In fact, since the 7 June 2015 elections, the country has moved to a de facto presidential system, even without constitutional change.



新自由主义景观是九篇文章的集合,探讨了中东伊斯兰政党,特别是正义与发展党崛起背后的经济、政治、社会和历史动态(Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) 在土耳其。对于研究土耳其和更广泛的中东地区的学者来说,了解正义与发展党的崛起及其内部和外部暗流一直是一个挑战。一方面,其创始领导人将他们的政党宣传为一个民主的伊斯兰政党,类似于欧洲的基督教民主党,并声称通过限制军事和凯末尔主义霸权来集中精力使土耳其民主化。为此,他们与自由派和自由左派以及外向型企业集团结成联盟,并以欧盟和美国的支持为杠杆,增加其合法性。正义与发展党在经济政策上的强硬新自由主义立场也使其能够赢得国内和国际资本的支持。全球政治的变化时代也有利于正义与发展党,恰逢 9/11 后时期,美国及其盟国迫切希望找到一个自由民主的穆斯林国家,该国家拥有市场经济,可以用作展示。然而,AKP 项目被证明是昙花一现,因为它在国内越来越专制,与新法西斯接壤,在国外则具有对抗性。事实上,许多分析人士认为,土耳其正在经历的无异于政权更迭,将这个国家从一个世俗的共和国(尽管是一个半民主的共和国)转变为一个带有伊斯兰色彩的新法西斯一党制国家。由一个不假装民主的强人所为。事实上,自 2015 年 6 月 7 日选举以来,该国已转向事实上的总统制,即使没有修改宪法。