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Book Review: Imagining Cuba across Time and Space
Cultural Dynamics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0921374018805786a
Guadalupe García 1

1. Under Spanish rule, chattel slavery was legal in Cuba until 1886. Slavery had been outlawed between the 1820s and 1850s in the independent republics of former Spanish America. (Brazil, which had been a Portuguese colony, did not abolish slavery until 1888.) 2. The group of Spanish-speaking lodges of the IWO had been called the Comité Nacional Hispano until it adopted the name the Cervantes Fraternal Society in 1942. At its peak in 1945, the Cervantes Society had about 2,800 members in 23 national lodges, about half of them located in New York City. The IWO had 181,000 members in 1945 (Lauria Santiago, 2017). 3. See also discussion of Derrida and the “archival turn” in Stoler (2002). “In cultural theory,” Stoler notes (p. 94), “‘the archive’ has a capital ‘A,’ is figurative, and leads elsewhere.”



1.在西班牙的统治下,动产奴隶制在古巴一直是合法的,直到1886年为止。奴隶制在1820到1850年代之间在前西班牙美洲的独立共和国中被取缔。(巴西曾是葡萄牙的殖民地,直到1888年才废除了奴隶制。)2.国际劳工组织的讲西班牙语的旅馆群被称为全国西班牙裔居民委员会,直到1942年它改名为塞万提斯兄弟会。塞万提斯协会(Cervantes Society)于1945年达到顶峰,在23个国家旅馆中拥有约2,800名会员,其中约有一半位于纽约市。IWO在1945年拥有181,000名成员(圣地亚哥(Lauria Santiago),2017年)。3.另请参见关于斯托里(2002)的德里达和“档案转向”的讨论。斯托勒指出,“在文化理论上,”第94页,““档案馆”的首字母为“ A”,具有比喻性,并指向其他地方。”