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Pain catastrophizing may moderate the association between pain and secondary hyperalgesia
Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research Pub Date : 2017-03-01 , DOI: 10.1111/jabr.12096
Alexander J. Pressman 1 , B. Lee Peterlin 2 , David Andrew Tompkins 1 , Rachel E. Salas 3 , Luis F. Buenaver 1 , Jennifer A. Haythornthwaite 1 , Claudia M. Campbell 1

Catastrophizing, a persistent negative mental set characterized by helplessness, rumination, and magnification of pain sensations, has a potent effect on pain report and clinical outcomes. Previous studies have documented an association between cognitive factors and central sensitization. The current analysis sought to test the potential modulating effect of pain catastrophizing on the association between capsaicin pain and the region of secondary hyperalgesia. Thirty-eight healthy individuals (50% women, mean age = 25.7, SD = 5.3) completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), then underwent topical application of 10% capsaicin, which was covered by a thermode maintained at 40°C for 90-min. Following removal of the capsaicin, the region of secondary hyperalgesia was determined. Hayes' PROCESS macro was employed to examine catastrophizing's potential moderating effect, which did not reveal a significant association between capsaicin pain ratings and the region of secondary hyperalgesia (β = 15.1, p = .06). Though PCS was not associated with area of secondary hyperalgesia (β = 23.9, p = .29), a significant interaction was present between PCS and capsaicin pain ratings (β = 3.7, p = .0004). Specifically, those endorsing higher catastrophizing levels and higher pain ratings experienced the greatest areas of secondary hyperalgesia. The Johnson-Neyman technique was used to determine the regional effect of the moderation, which indicated that when PCS scores were ≥10.6, capsaicin pain significantly moderated the association between pain and area of secondary hyperalgesia. These results suggest that catastrophizing plays an important role in the area of secondary hyperalgesia, and potentially central sensitization, warranting further testing in future research.



灾难化是一种以无助、沉思和疼痛感放大为特征的持续性消极心理状态,对疼痛报告和临床结果有强大的影响。以前的研究记录了认知因素与中枢敏化之间的关联。目前的分析试图测试疼痛灾难化对辣椒素疼痛与继发性痛觉过敏区域之间关联的潜在调节作用。38 名健康人(50% 女性,平均年龄 = 25.7,SD = 5.3)完成了疼痛灾难化量表 (PCS),然后局部应用 10% 辣椒素,并用温度保持在 40°C 的温度计覆盖 90 -分钟。去除辣椒素后,确定继发性痛觉过敏的区域。Hayes 的 PROCESS 宏用于检查灾难化 s 潜在的调节作用,这并未揭示辣椒素疼痛等级与继发性痛觉过敏区域之间的显着关联(β = 15.1,p = .06)。尽管 PCS 与继发性痛觉过敏面积无关(β = 23.9,p = .29),但 PCS 和辣椒素疼痛评分之间存在显着的相互作用(β = 3.7,p = .0004)。具体来说,那些赞同更高灾难性水平和更高疼痛等级的人经历了继发性痛觉过敏的最大领域。Johnson-Neyman 技术用于确定缓和的区域效应,表明当 PCS 评分≥10.6 时,辣椒素疼痛显着缓和了疼痛与继发性痛觉过敏面积之间的关联。这些结果表明灾难化在继发性痛觉过敏领域中起着重要作用,