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Crossed out by LatinX: Gender neutrality and genderblind sexism
Latino Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-03 , DOI: 10.1057/s41276-018-0138-7
Nicole Trujillo-Pagán

Under the Trump administration, with its claims about “fake news,” speaking truth to power has become simultaneously more pressing and more difficult. “LatinX” has emerged in this context and become a symbol online and in academia for a new collective identity. This paper argues LatinX is deployed to replace, rather than complement, long-standing struggles to recognize gendered identities. This replacement silences the gendered political subject, erodes the basis for posing group claims and undermines struggles to recognize the significance of gender inequality and sexual violence. This paper calls for crafting a collective identity based on a “law of three (or more)”—for example, a/o/x—to reflect our everyday border struggles and hybrid culture.


被 LatinX 划掉:性别中立和性别盲目的性别歧视

在特朗普政府声称“假新闻”的领导下,对权力说真话变得更加紧迫和困难。“LatinX”在这种背景下出现,并成为网络和学术界新集体身份的象征。本文认为,LatinX 的部署是为了取代而不是补充长期以来为识别性别身份而进行的斗争。这种替换使性别化的政治主题沉默,侵蚀了提出群体主张的基础,并破坏了承认性别不平等和性暴力的重要性的斗争。本文呼吁根据“三(或更多)法则”(例如 a/o/x)打造集体身份,以反映我们日常的边界斗争和混合文化。