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Critical Latinx Indigeneities: A paradigm drift
Latino Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-28 , DOI: 10.1057/s41276-017-0059-x
María Josefina Saldaña-Portillo

This essay analyzes the multilayered causes for the recent migration from Honduras of Garífuna mothers and their children in search of political asylum in the United States, including tourist development, dispossession, and drug related violence. Their migration patterns challenge the presumptions and boundaries of three booming research areas in ethnic studies: prison studies, settler colonial studies, and migration studies. Garífuna mothers and children are members of an internationally recognized group of Afro-indigenous peoples, and their detention in the US prison system challenges the identitarian boundaries of each of these research fields in productive ways that help us, as scholars and activists, analyze and confront the multilayered and devastating violence in Central America and expand the basis for the claims for asylum by these most recent immigrants arriving in the United States. Rather than offer yet another new area of study, this essay seeks to integrate ethnic studies in necessary ways.



本文分析了加里富纳 (Garífuna) 母亲及其子女最近从洪都拉斯移民到美国寻求政治庇护的多层次原因,包括旅游发展、剥夺财产和与毒品有关的暴力行为。他们的移民模式挑战了民族研究中三个蓬勃发展的研究领域的假设和界限:监狱研究、定居者殖民研究和移民研究。Garífuna 的母亲和孩子是国际公认的非裔土著人民团体的成员,他们在美国监狱系统中的拘留以富有成效的方式挑战了每个研究领域的身份界限,这有助于我们作为学者和活动家,分析和应对中美洲多层次和毁灭性的暴力,并扩大这些最近抵达美国的移民申请庇护的基础。本文并没有提供另一个新的研究领域,而是试图以必要的方式整合民族研究。