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Re-Collecting the Glorious Age: Yang Fuji and the Disciplining of Zhaodai Congshu, 1772–1844
Late Imperial China ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/late.2019.0001
He Bian

Generations of sinologists worldwide have relied on congshu — texts published in print as collections — for their training and research, yet the term has resisted straightforward translation.1 Arthur W. Hummel Sr. (1884–1975) in 1931 endorsed the Latinate term collectanea, defining it as “a collection of reprints on several subjects by several authors.” Hummel also noted the continued popularity of these “miniature libraries” in modern times, including their instrumental role in building the great sinological collections in the United States.2 In our present age of electronic catalogs and full-text databases, a few clicks allow the scholar access to individual titles without going through the intermediate steps of locating the congshu in which the text was printed. Libraries have begun to pull the great boxes of congshu off the shelves. Ironically, the



世界上几代汉学家都依赖从书(作为合集出版出版的文本)进行培训和研究,但该术语拒绝直接翻译。1 Arthur W. Hummel Sr.(1884-1975)在 1931 年认可拉丁语术语 collectanea,将其定义为“几位作者对多个主题的重印集”。Hummel 还注意到这些“微型图书馆”在现代继续流行,包括它们在美国建立伟大的汉学馆藏方面发挥的重要作用。 2 在我们这个电子目录和全文数据库的时代,点击几下就可以看到学者无需经过定位印刷文本的丛书的中间步骤即可访问个人标题。图书馆已经开始从书架上撤下大箱从书。讽刺地,